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The fun begins.

I walk over to a desk and pick up some paper and a pen.

You've got an admirer.
            Meet me in Mr Rodger's math class at lunch. ;)

"What are you doing?" Dylan asks, peeking at the paper.

"You'll see." I grin.

I walk into the halls and look for Stella's locker. Once I have found it, I slip the note in and smile to myself.

"Now can you tell me?"

"Well, I'm going to put this in Jake's locker too. Bad boy plus the only person in the school who doesn't think he's hot and despises the bad boy equals really fun to watch. They will both think the notes are from each other." I say and he smirks at my plan.

"You're smarter that I thought, but there's just one thing."


"You said she's the only person who doesn't find him hot, does that mean you do?" He pouts.

"Of course I do, I mean whoa! That body." I bite my lip and try to make dreamy eyes.

"But I'm hotter right?" He almost begs.

"Hmm..." I pretend to think while rubbing my thumb and index finger under my chin and looking upwards.
"By a small fraction..." I begin and he perks up. "...he looks better than you." I finish and his face drops.

"You don't mean that." He says but it sounds like he is trying to convince himself.

"Keep telling yourself that, maybe one day you'll believe it." I say and turn away to find Jakes locker. I slide the note in his locker and smile to myself.

Before I can turn away, I feel a warm pair of arms wrap around my stomach and pull me into a hard chest.

"But I'm a better kisser right?" He mumbles, placing a kiss under my earlobe. I can't find the words to speak so I nod my head slowly.

Before he can go any further, I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Okay, you might be a tiny bit hotter than him." I say, looking him up and down.

"Good." He says and places a kiss on my lips. They stay there for a couple of seconds before he pulls away. I wiggle out of his grasp.

As I walk away, I shout after him, "Oh and for the record, I lied. I absolutely hate that egotistical jerk. It's just that Stella hates him much much more." I say and immediately hear his fast paced footsteps behind me.

I decide to use this to my advantage and play a little game, I pick my pace up into a run, turning corners and going up stairs.

Not long after, I am breathing heavily. My pace slows and I take shallow breaths.

I hear his steps close behind but I am too tired to run any faster. My legs turn to jelly and I fall with my back against the lockers.

Dylan soon drops down beside me, panting. "Why..." I breathes. "Would you do that?" He finishes.

"I thought it would be fun." I reply, also out of breath. Before he can say anything else, we hear the entrance doors opening and a male voice.

"The residents said they heard noises coming from the school, Sheriff told us to check it out." They say and my eyes go wide.

We're in trouble.


Dear dear, Dara.

Is that a good ship name?

Tell me what you think or tell me if you've got better ones.

How will they get their way out of this one?


-Zoe 🐺

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