Twenty-Seven Part One:Notes

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I'm nervous.

Why am I nervous? You may ask.

Well let's just say, the next thing on my list isn't exactly easy to approach.

It's been about a week since we broke into the school.

How did it go with Stella and Jake? You may also ask.

So stop asking me questions you impatient little fuckers and let me tell you.

A week ago

I sit in my seat, constantly fidgeting, wondering about how today is going to go.

For sure Stella will hate me if she finds out it was me.

But it's totally worth it.

Arriving at school, I say bye to Dylan as he worries if I'm going to be okay.

That guy!

I can take care of myself, but he seems a little more...protective; like I'm a gem that no one can touch or I'll get dirty. It's probably because of the illness, but he doesn't have to watch me like a child.

I meet Stella at the gates as we walk in to our our things in our lockers.

"Honestly that guy." Stella pipes up as we climb the stairs. Which seem much harder to climb suddenly.

"Huh?" I question, not knowing what she's talking about. I wish I just laughed it off because the next words that came out of her mouth almost forced me to tears.

"The way he looked at you. He looked terrified; like you were dying or something." She says and I freeze up immediately

Stella didn't know about my cancer, I didn't want to tell her to be perfectly honest. I wanted to act like everything was fine instead of having everyone worry about me.

I'd have to tell her eventually, thought. She deserved to know and so did Emerald and Megan.

I'll have to tell her later. I think to myself, biting my lip and pushing there thoughts away.

I laugh what Stella said off and carried on walking.

When we got to our lockers, I had to hold back a chuckle as she opened her locker door and noticed the note.

"What the hells this?" She asks as she opens it up.

'You've got an admirer.
Meet me in Mr Rodgers maths class at lunch ;)'

Her face visibly lights up as she squeals.

"Who do you think it is?" She squeals excitedly.

"Could be anyone." I say acting casual- when on the inside I'm dying of laughter.


Part two tomorrow?

I'll decide if I love you enough.

Thanks for reading!


-Zoe 🐢💜

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