Chapter 31

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Stuffing my face to my pillow groaning at the fact someone just had to annoy me by knocking on my door rather than getting lost and to find another person to bother.

"Go away. I'm a pregnant woman, I need sleep! Wouldn't want to wake them up, do you? " I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Wow someone has mood swings." laughed Erika as she came in closing the door behind her. Then she adds, "Oh and stop giving me random excuses."

"What do you want? I'm tired." I tried covering my face with the pillow.

"How are you tired?! It's 1pm now! Get up! You have been sleeping all day!" she pushed the pillow off of me as I groaned through the mattress of my bed.

"No." I faced away from Erika, giving her my back. "I'm not in the mood to go out."

"Is this because of Kade?" she said while rubbing my back calmly. 

"Maybe." I still faced away from her not wanting her to stop, I find it comforting when someone rubs my back.

"Come on. I know it's already been a few months since he was supposed to come back and this month you're supposed to deliver but he will be back before it. Cheer up! He won't let you down." Erika comforted me. This time I craned my neck so my eyes meet hers. I still wasn't sure if Kade will be by me when the twins arrives.

"What if he doesn't come?" I asked.

"God dammit! Can't you think positive for once and not freak out, it's bad for the babies!" She gives me a short huff.

"Well I'm positive that he won't be back on time!" For the ninth time, I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Come downstairs, you, Tessa and I are going out." With that said, she pivots and heads towards the door and shuts it without another word.

I let out another strong huff before getting up leading myself to the bathroom. I washed my face lazily while looking at myself in the reflection. Jeez I need makeup. I looked down to see my bump on my stomach. It's been getting bigger but not much people notice it though, which I'm really thankful for because I'm certainly not in the mood for questions. At the same time, I can't really see my foot.

I changed my clothes to a light blue skirt and a white flowy top. It was sunny outside so I brought my sun glasses just in case. I left my room all ready for the day, or well I thought I was ready.

 I still had a weird feeling something wasn't right and it just made me a lot more anxious. I think all the possibility on why I feel this way and all that kept popping up is my pregnancy.  I let out a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs finding all of Team 10 hanging around except for Kade. Yay life. 

I didn't notice Erika and Tessa were sitting at the end of the step and that's probably because I was engrossed with my own thoughts until Tessa says, "Finally. Let's go." Tessa's such a bright person and without her, I don't think Team 10 would be complete, that's just my own opinion.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the mall." They answered together.

"But we went to the mall a few days ago..." I frowned in confusion.

"Yeah yeah who cares, let's just have some fun." Erika grabbed my hand leading me out the house.

"Don't you know that this month is my due date?" I stopped in my tracks. Eventually, she turns around.

"Yeah I know. But you have been staying inside for almost the whole week. You have to go out to get some fresh air!" Answered  Erika.

"How are we supposed to get fresh air if we're going to the mall?" I looked at her with a dull expression as both Erika and Tessa gave out a huff. "Never mind."

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