Chapter 10

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Kade and I were in down town at the pet store looking for toys,food and the collar for Frost. I have to admit Kade really loves Frost as if it were his own little husky. Kade was holding Frost for me while I was looking around. I found a cute little blue collar that I could take for Frost.

" Do you think this is cool? " I asked showing the blue collar to Kade.

" Yeah, I think its awesome! " he said looking at the collar then a Frost smiling. God this is too cute!

" Ok so now I think we have everything. I'm gunna go pay for the items now. " I was about to leave for the cashier until Kade took my arm.

" No, it's ok I'll pay. You already spent a lot for the Team! " he said as he gave me Frost and left to pay.

We bought the items for Frost and went back to the cabin with Frost. I couldn't help my self from looking at Kade the whole time as he played with Frost. It was too adorable!  Kade and I both arrived home finding the house empty. Weird where did they all go?

" Where is everyone? " asked Kade as I shrugged.

" ATTACK !!! " we heard a voice from the top of the house, we both looked up finding Jake and the rest of team 10 on the roof throwing snowballs at us.

I let out a scream and tried to block the snow balls from hitting me. I turned around to find Frost next to me but not Kade. I looked around finding Kade chasing Jake while throwing snow balls at him. I have to admit Kade was a good thrower!

It turned out to be a snow ball fight between all of us. I attacked Jake mostly and also Tessa and Erika. We were soon all covered in snow and also freezing but the boys just continued to play on. It was really fun even though I did get hit on the face with snow many times.

It was soon dark and we were all tired from messing around. Some how Kade managed to sneak some snow into Jakes back that caused Jake to scream like an idiot as we all laughed. We all went inside and Erika made us all hot chocolate. We all sat next to the fire and talked for a while and warmed up. I was sharing a blanket with Kade next to the fire while talking with Tessa who was with Jake. It was soo warm it was just to hard to move away from my spot. The rest of the Team were in their rooms changing and taking a hot bath.

It was soon time to go to bed so Kade and I both went to our room we shared along with Tessa and Jake. Tessa and Jake were still downstairs closing the fire and clearing up all the mess.

I changed into my Pj's as I was about to get ready for bed. But before I did I opened the window and just looked outside at the stars and the trees. It was soo peaceful and calm just watching the snowflakes gently fall down.

" It's a beautiful night huh? " said Kade looking at the stars as his eyes shimmered along.

" Yeah it sure is. " I smiled.

" But not a beautiful as you. " he flirted as I giggled lightly punching his arm.

" Claire..."

" Yeah..? " I turned around looking at Kade who was facing me.

" Its been months since I knew you and I have always liked you ever since. And I would really like to take the opportunity and to take you out on a date. " he said rubbing the side or his arm.

This can't be happening, is this real? Please I really hope this isn't a dream again!

" So will you like to go out on a date with me Claire? " he asked in such a sweet tone.

Do I accept him? What do I do?

" Of course! " I jumped on him, giving him a huge bear hug as he let out a chuckle.

Before I could say something he gave me a quick peck on the lips looking at my eyes full of love. How cliché can this get?!  We started into each others eyes as we wrapped his arms around my waist as I held his chest.

" WERE BA-ck...Oh...umm...ok never mind..." Jake came barging then backing off in through the door as Kade and I both laughed.

" Its ok Jake you can come in. " I rolled my eyes still laughing.

" OMG YOU GUYS ARE OFFICIAL!! " shouted Tessa jumping up and down.

" not now but soon. " Kade chuckled.

" Oh ok then, my bad. " Tessa said cheekily as she jumped on the bed pulling out her phone.

" Lets go to bed Claire. " Kade kissed my forehead as he gave my a wink walking to his bed where Jake was already snoring in.


THE SHIP HAS SAILED MY FRIENDS!!!! Love you all and thank you for enjoying this very awkward chapter XD !

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