24) Slip Away

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Jumping onto the big bed in the room- Jareth's old room- Raven sighed a tired breath and sunk into the soft, downy-filled bed.

"Tired?" Jareth softly spoke.

"Is it that obvious?"



"Oh, hush." He grinned.

Raven sat up and eyed an old frame with a picture settled inside. It was an older image of Jareth when he was younger.

"That's you?" She smiled.

"It is. I was just a mere babe in this picture. Not even sixty years old, I believe."

"Old man." Her eyes squinted with a big grin.

An odd feeling began to rise in her belly, making her feel slightly nauseous and lightheaded. Jareth noticed this, and he too started feeling nauseous.

"Something's wrong..." He muttered.

"Yeah...I forgot that today's-" Raven was interrupted by a loud shriek, echoing and bouncing off the walls of the castle. A hooded figure stood on the balcony outside the room, crimson feathered wings spread on it's back.


"God dammit, no! I don't want to be the damn damsel in distress again!" The creature shrieked again, and Jareth darted out the door with Raven over his shoulder with her shouting, "God dammit!"

They made it to the main hall just as rows of guards streamed back to where the screeching came from, only to be knocked down by the thing flying into them. The creature grabbed ahold of Raven's arm and thrusted her into one of the thick pillars in the great hall. Upon impact Raven was out cold immediately as her head was smacked against the stone.


What seemed like decades later, she opened her eyes and and groaned as she slowly sat up and coughed. Everything was silent. A sharp pain in her chest stunned her, and her fingers found a hole in her chest. Her heart had been ripped right out.

Her eyes widened and she let out a small whine of pain. She looked up to see if there was anyone around, and she saw two tall figures a few short meters away. Raven could easily make out the big hair of Jareth, no doubt. But the other figure was difficult to make out. The red hair was familiar, and the sinister smirk sent a chill down her spine. Penelope.

A tear rolled down Raven's cheek when she saw the two share a rather passionate embrace. Fingers tangled with each other's hair, small moans of pleasure.

She let out a small sob, and her head hung low before she clutched the hole in her chest and fell back onto the floor. Raven let herself slowly slip away, feeling weaker and weaker. But then a voice started to echo in her head repeatedly. Her eyes started to close, and her breaths were fewer. And she heard the voice echo once more,


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