2) He Who Grants

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Everything was still, silent and eery. A small gust of wind blew though the open window, which was left open to air out the summer heat.

As the gust blew through, the white owl landed on the windowsill so silently even Raven hadn't noticed. She stood slowly and looked around, curious about the eery vibes around the house.

When she turned to the window she nearly jumped out of her skin, the barn owl startling her.

"Hey, bud." She sighed with relief, quiet enough to not wake the sleeping child behind her. The owl only ruffled his feathers in response, scritching his head with his talons.

When Raven turned around to check on the toddler, she was gone. Not a sound or trace of her getting up and moving.

"Nova?" Raven quietly called. Nothing. The owl behind her chirped and Raven turned to face him, unbeknownst to the little three-to-four-foot-tall goblins creeping and crawling behind her.

When one of the goblins intentionally made its presence known, she whipped around in hopes it was the child- she was wrong.

Behind her, the owl quietly lept down to the floor as his form began to change. Thunder rumbled outside the house, and lightning flashed. When the girl turned back to face the owl, she was met with a man; tall, dressed in regal clothing that looked both elegant and dangerous. His hair was light, big and wild. His makeup even wilder.

"Oh my god..." Raven mumbled. So everything in the little red book is true. "You're the Goblin King...!" Her breath was taken away.

"Mm, indeed I am." He spoke; his voice so soft, but the royal baritone in his voice gave off a powerful vibe.

"So my words have power... You took my child cousin, didn't you."

"I have, as a grant to your wish." The Goblin King grinned, showing off his crooked, sharp white teeth.

"What now?" Raven's voice shook. She was intrigued and frightened by the king before her; she was even more surprised about the fact that everything turned out to be real. Magic, the other realm; all completely real.

"You can either let her go, or you can run my Labyrinth to try and win her back." The Goblin King smirked. "Fair warning though; you may not win."

"I'll run the Labyrinth." She quickly said, knowing she may regret her decision later. "Listen, my family is going to be back in three days, if they find out-"

"-You'll surely be punished. Oh, I know. I've run into many situations like this one before." He crossed his arms and stepped toward her. Snaking an arm around her shoulders, he guided the girl to the window, revealing his kingdom just outside.

"Uh..." Raven croaked. Her eyes laid upon a large kingdom, with a great castle right smack in the center. While she loved fantasy, to actually face it was something she needed to brace herself for. The world she always dreamt about.

The Labyrinth.

Lost And Lonely - A Labyrinth Fanfic [UPDATED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now