14) Changes

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Following the little goblin before her, Raven held her hands in the pockets of the robe she wore over her clothes, keeping warm in the cool air. After dinner, she went to relax in one of the lounging halls but then Jareth had suddenly requested her to see him in the garden. It was nearly midnight, what would he want at this time?

When she got to the double doors, she pushed them open and immediately felt a wave of relaxation from the bioluminescence of the garden. Raven had been to the garden a few times in the night, gaining permission from the Goblin King. The glowing blues, purples, reds, greens and oranges only made the kingdom more beautiful and unique.

"Over here." Jareth called. He'd been standing next to the pool of water near the center of the garden. Over the blue water was a blue-tinted mist, just hovering above the pool.

"What's this?" Raven cocked her head as she eyed the pool. She noticed the mist hanging above the water.

"Here is where you will become Fae. In the water is an essence of me, where it will rid the mortality in you, replacing it with immortality and magic." He sat on a nearby bench.

"Oh... Do I just...slip in? That's it?" She looked over the edge and into the big pool, fascinated by the mystical look of the water. Jareth nodded.

"You will either be accepted to become Fae, or you will be rejected. But do not fret; I think you will be accepted." He smiled.

"Should I...should I stay in my clothes?"

"Unless you want to strip in front of me, you can keep the clothing on. I'll have them washed later." Jareth kicked back on the bench, "I'll be here when you've finished in there."

Raven looked back to the water, sitting on the edge of the pool and slowly dipping her feet in. The water gave off a tingling sensation that slowly traveled up her legs the further she slipped in. Once her whole body was below, her whole being was ravaged by tingling and numbing sensations and she felt she had died. Her body was hurting like growing pains, only worse and more painful.

When she gave in and opened her mouth for air, instead of choking on water and drowning like she expected, she breathed it in like air.

Moments later, she popped out of the surface of the water, holding onto the ledge above her. When she pulled herself up to the stone ground, Raven felt stronger. Normally she would have slight trouble pulling her own weight up, but now she felt strong as a body builder.

"Did it work?" She spat water out of her mouth.

"How do you feel?" Jareth stood, holding a thick towel above.

"I feel...stronger. Younger. And...bigger? If that makes any sense?" Raven laid on her back, examining the change of length of her legs and arms.

"Then yes, it worked." He smiled widely. "You are now immortal like me; you are Fae."

Lost And Lonely - A Labyrinth Fanfic [UPDATED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now