16) ...Falling In Love

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Relaxing in a plush armchair, Raven fiddled with her crystal while she eased down from her excitement. She hadn't had a wink of sleep since she became Fae, and neither had Jareth. They stayed up for nearly two, almost three, days practicing her magic skills.

She began to get lost in her thoughts, realizing that the Goblin King was much nicer than depicted in the little red book; he was said to be cruel, frightening and all kinds of crazy.

But in reality, Jareth was gentle around her, mindful, and he sure as hell was very generous. Raven felt comfortable around him; at ease. She rarely felt this way around anyone else. Is this love?

Shaking her head, Raven popped the crystal in her hand and sighed, now stuck on the subject of her newfound affection toward Jareth. She'd never been in love before, and she had no idea what it really felt like. Were there butterflies? Non-stop thoughts about the other? Was she supposed to become twitterpated like Bambi? How was she supposed to feel?

Frustrated, Raven got up from the chair and wandered to the library, searching for something to take her mind off the topic of love.

After she was drawn into a fictional story she brought to the garden, the topic of love came back. The book she read was about two sprites from different kingdoms who fell in love. She groaned at the sudden twist of the book and set it to the side.

Her mind wandered back into love, trying to figure out what she was feeling. Maybe she was falling for him. But how could she? He was much older than her by at least a few hundred years, and she was just barely an adult who hadn't really figured out how to act like one. Perhaps it was fate?

She groaned and laid back in the hammock she grew fond of, feeling herself doze off. Maybe later when she was around the Goblin King again she would pay attention to how she feels around him. She wanted to figure this out for herself.

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