19) Roads and Tents

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Weeks passed, and Jareth had been giving Raven lessons on waltzing, and all kinds of dance in the Underground. Many types of dance Fae did ranged from exotic to sweet and formal. She had completed her magic training, and all that was left was how to act like a Fae so she won't stick out like a sore thumb.

Over the time passed they seemed to grow closer, but without showing true feelings for one another quite yet. Both were growing a tad frustrated with themselves because of this.

"Jareth this really isn't a good idea-"

"Oh, why not?"

"Well they won't know me. And I have a feeling if they find out that I used to be mortal they just might throw me out or something."

"Listen, it'll be fun!" Jareth was giddy. "They'll love you, they're very welcoming. Trust me!"

"You said that when we began my flight training." Raven mumbled. "I sprained my leg and almost broke my arm landing wrong."

"Yes, but were it not for muah you would have had serious injuries." He grinned and winked, opening the carriage door.

"Fine, I'll go." Raven sighed and stepped in.


As they were on their way to a grand city, Raven's attention was nearly fully on the landscape outside the carriage. Everything was absolutely beautiful and captivating; her breath was taken away.

Jareth simply sat back in silence and allowed the girl to enjoy herself during the ride. It had been at least two or three hours since they left, and it was getting dark. As the sun set, the trees and other nature plants began to faintly glow, and Raven's fascination grew larger with each passing moment.

"How about we stop for the night, hm?" Jareth broke the silence. "We can set up camp, eat, rest a bit."

"Yeah, sure!" Raven chimed. Jareth halted the carriage and stepped outside, eyes scanning to be sure the area was clear and safe. And so it was.

"Stay in here, and I'll set everything up." He ordered.

But Raven completely ignored his order and exited behind him, gasping at the wondrous sight of the jungle-like environment surrounding the small clearing they began to settle in.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed. Her eyes were all over, admiring the way the night stars and large moon gleamed in the clear sky, and the way the glowing flora complimented the land like Christmas lights in a great friendly neighborhood.

"I thought I told you to stay inside." Jareth huffed. He had a large tent set up, seemingly blended in with the bushes behind.

After they had settled down, sitting at the fire pit finishing their food, the wind was still and the small fauna sounds had silenced. Raven noticed this and began to think something was wrong.



"I'm a bit tired," She avoided sounding paranoid about the sudden silence. "Could I go lay down?"

"Of course. I'll be in shortly to sleep myself." He yawned.

Raven headed inside, and nearly gawked at the plush fabrics and furs laid down into two giant makeshift beds beside each other. How was she to sleep so close to the Goblin King and keep her hands to herself?

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