3) Turn To The...Left?

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"If you solve my Labyrinth in thirteen hours, you may have the child back." The Goblin King spoke softly.

"She'll...she'll turn into a goblin if I lose, won't she." Raven automatically assumed. She remembered every detail from the book and from old lore she read.

"She will become one of us, yes. Now hurry, dear girl." The wild haired Fae stepped back, disappearing into a cloud of dusty glitter before the girl's eyes. "Your timer starts now."

Raven looked at the glitter cloud and back to the Labyrinth, sighing. God dammit. She cursed herself. She walked down the dirt-sand pathway, meeting the walls of the kingdom. But no door was in sight.

Along the wall, were small fairy-like creatures fluttering around. They were almost preciously adorable.

"Hello? Excuse me?" Raven tried to gain their attention. One looked at her, to her relief.

"Who are you?" It spoke.

"How do I get into the Labyrinth? I'm in a bit of a rush." The girl said quickly. The small fairy turned and pointed to the wall, where a set of doors swung open. Raven quickly ran for the entrance, waving back at the fairy.

When she got inside, there were only two ways; left and right. Both looked the same, and very long with no other openings.

"Damn it all..." She muttered and started to run down the right, but instantly changed her mind and turned around and went left.

As she quickly ran down the path, there were fungus' that had white heads; eyes, to be exact. While she went on her merry way, the fungeye watched her go down and down away from them.

There were broken branches littered all over the stone floor, and glitter doused everywhere; this place hadn't been taken care of for god knows how long, and the glitter almost looked like a kind of fungus or moss that grew naturally, but it also looked like it was placed on purpose. Raven almost wanted to give it a proper cleaning and spruce up the kingdom back to its former glory.

She ran her hand along the wall to find and opening, and surely she found one. A set of stone stairs led up to another long walkway, but with more dead plants.

Glitter was smeared on almost everything possible; walls, floor, even the dead plants and any other kind of surface. It's like Ziggy Stardust orgasmed all over the place.

Lost And Lonely - A Labyrinth Fanfic [UPDATED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now