11) The Goblin King's Garden

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Following the short goblin in front of her, Raven's eyes wandered all over as she was guided down corridor after corridor. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt along the way, as she had settled for a simple pair of deep green trousers, flat black boots and a golden blouse that her mind couldn't get off of.

Surprisingly, the injury she'd sustained just yesterday was nearly fully healed to a small scar. The pain was dull, but it was bearable. The little goblin stopped at a doorway, opening the set of heavy wooden doors.

"You go in, find Goblin King." His high raspy voice said, and he left Raven to attend his own duties.

She turned back and peeked through the doors, and soon she was met with a huge garden. In front of the doorway, a few meters down the white stone staircase, was a big tree with blue vines loosely hanging down, swaying in the small gust of wind. A wooden bench sat underneath the tree, neatly carved with intricate designs. Raven slowly walked down with her mouth slightly agape, taken back by the beauty of the garden.

The further she went, the more breathtaking the plants got. There were all kinds of plants that ranged from small to as tall as the Goblin King. Many were very simple to very exotic, giving off wonderful scents.

"Enjoying yourself?" Raven turned to face the Goblin King, who stood just a few feet behind her.

"This is just beautiful... I've never seen anything like it!" Her face lit up. Seeing the smile on her face put one on Jareth, as he enjoyed the sight of her happiness. "This is all yours?"

"All mine, yes. It took years for me to properly plant things right, get them to grow and live." He bent down, plucking a baby-blue flower from the ground. "Over time I taught myself how to do things correctly, and I've kept my garden lush. None of my goblin subjects are allowed here, hence the reason why it is so breathtaking."

"It's amazing...!" Raven gazed around in awe.

"You seem to be taking this rather well." Jareth stated.


"You aren't fighting me, begging me to send you back home. Why is that?"

"I guess..." Raven sat on a nearby bench and thought hard, "I guess I was expecting it, I'm not sure. I've always loved the thought of being in a fantasy world, maybe it just hasn't quite hit me yet that this is all real." She shrugged.

"Hmm." Jareth hummed, stepping toward her with the blue flower in his fingertips. "Perhaps. But I am glad you are taking this so well." He handed her the flower, and she took it slowly. A small smile grew on his face, and his belly had a faint feeling of butterflies.

She was in his world now.

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