Having a Kid is Stressful

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      Austin won't let me take care of the baby. whenever she needs a diaper change he's all "Its cool I got it" Its not like I can tell him no! I do enjoy all the help. Theres the baby. "I got it sweetie." Austin said getting up. "No Austin you sleep." I said getting up. He laid back down and I walked to Rose's room. "Hi baby girl." I picked hrr up and layed hr on the changing table.

      She didnt have a dirty diaper. She must be hungry. I pulled out a premade bottle and put it in her mouth. I sat in the rocking chair and rocked back and forth. Austin walked in and sat in front of us.  "Austin go back to sleep!" I demanded. "No. She looks just like you." He smiled. "She has your chin and smile." I laughed. He nodded. "And our eyes mixed." I smiled as Rose closed hr eyes. I took the bottle out of her mouth and set her in the crib. "Go back to bed. I am going down to get a snack.  He kissed my cheek and Icean downstairs.  Ih hey Niall." I yawned. "Hey. So I wanted to ask you if I have your blessing to umm marry Happy." My jaw dropped.

      I ran up to him and hugged him. "Yes of course!" I let go of him. "Niall I trust that you will treat her right. I love you like a little brother Niall." He rose a brow. "Im oleer than you!" He protested. "Yea but who's taller?" I joked. He shook his head and I finished my toast. "Night Nialler." I sighed and ran upstairs.

(Authors Note)

     Hey I havent been on in a while. Sorry bout that. It is very short but I hope you guys like my story. 1.k reads! Thanks!!!! I just wanna say I love you and miss you more than anything in the world Happy.  Bye for now loves

-Hailey Mahone

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