Grounding day two.

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     It finally happened. I kissed her. I'm glad I saved her when I did. if anything ever happened to her.... I don't know what I'd do. I wonder what's gonna happen to us. If we're gonna get together. I need her.

      "Austin. Why so deep in thought?" I looked over to Alex. "I'm not. Why?" I can't tell him what happened yesterday. "You look like something's wrong. Why did you run out like that." I have to tell him. He's my bestfriend. Here I go. "You know your friend from school. Danica?" He nodded and I went on. "Well she told me that Hailey was going to Jason's house. You know how Jason tries to Bang every girl he can. He invited Hailey to his house. He was about to ,you know, to her and I came inside and punched him in the jaw." He looked at me in shock.

      I went on. "We walked out of his house.... and I told her I loved her. She said she loved me back and we kissed." He smiled. "Aww your her hero Austin." I rolled my eyes and tossed my pillow at him. "Shut up. You should get to school." He nodded and walked out the front door. I think im gonna ask Hailey out.


      I got to school early today cause I didn't want Jason to see me. I can't stop thinking about Austin. Did he say that cause he loved me or because he wanted me to not be upset about what happened? Either way I meant what I said. I do love Austin.

      I close my locker and see Alex. He had a huge smile on his face. "HI!" He said excitedly. "Hey you. Why are you all excited?" I poked his cheek. He laughed. "I know what you did." My face got red. "What did I do?" He smiled again. "You kissed Austin. And said you loved him!" I turned around and started walking away. "Hailey. Do you love him?" He said running up to me. "Alex. Please drop it." He crossed his arms and stood in front of me. "I'm nt dropping it till you tell me!" He gave me puppy dog eyes. "Fine. I do. But he only said he loved me cause he didn't want me to be upset." I am gonna cry. He didn't really love me.

     He hugged me. "That's the thing though. Austin doesn't just tell a girl he loves them." I need to go.  I can't keep talking about this. It's just making me upset. "Ok Alex. Whatever. I'll talk later." I walked away. I start walking to he bathroom when someone grabs my arm and pulls me into a classroom. "Who are you?" I reach for the light but he grabs my hand and intertwined his finger with mine. I felt chills go up and down my body. "Who are you?" I said again. "If I tell you.... don't tell Alex." It said in a deep voice. "Promise." He said in his normal voice and I knew who it was. "It's Austin." I hugged him and he turned the light on.  "Why are you here. " He smiled and looked at the door. "Well I know your grounded and can't hang so.... I wanted to see you." I smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Ok. I can't talk now schools gonna start soon." He nodded and kissed my cheek.

     "I'll see you later?" He said with a raised brow. "Yes. I'm going for a jog later. So maybe after that you can throw rocks at my window Romeo." He hugged me and ran out the door. Well of should probably get to home room.


      "Mother!  I'm home from school. I'm going for my jog." She waved. I ran up to my room to put my jogging shorts on and a stretchy tank top. I grabbed my headphones and iPod and left the house.

      I usually run through the park so I guess I will stop there and just hang out. I started running and my favorite song comes on.

   Baby I got love for thee so deep inside of me I don't know what to say. I love you more than anything but the words can't even touch what's in my heart. oh no. When I try to explain it I be sounding insane the words don't ever come out right. I get all tongue tied and twisted. I can't explain what I'm feeling. and I say baby baby. baby. baby I.

      Running is my escape.  The park is about 10 minutes away. I get to the park and I sit down at a park bench and put my ear buds in my pocket. I close my eyes and put my head back hoping to fall asleep.

      I feel the bench wiggle a little and I open my eyes to see this guy. He looks like he's in his early 20s. "Hey! I'm Derek. " He held his hand out and I shook it. "I'm Hailey." I put my head back again and he began to speak. "You need a ride?  I got my moms van." He seems polite. I think I can trust him. "Sure. I live on Merrindal road." He stood up and told me to follow him.

      His van is parked in a forest like place. Kinda far from the park. We got to his van and he pushed me up against the side of it. I wiggled a little bit to get away and he held the grip tighter. He smiled. "Nice ass." He squeezed my butt. He leaned in to kiss me but I ducked making him lean forward and hit his nose. I began running away from him. I kept looking back to make sure he wasn't following and I turned around and hit someone. I looked down at who I was on top of. It was Austin.

      "Hey again." He said getting up. "Hi. Um what are you doing here!" He held a hand out to me and he helped me up. "I came to rescue you." I smiled and looked down at my feet. "But it looks like you handled it pretty well." I nodded and he hugged me. "Need a ride?" I looked up at him. "Yea but what about my dad? I'm grounded." He rubbed his chin. "I'll drop you off at the end of the street and you can walk the rest of the way." I nodded and we walked to the car.

      We got in the car and Austin began to drive. "You need to be careful. Next time someone asks if you need a ride just say no!" Did he seriously just say that? "Austin. Why do you come save me anyway?  It's not like you care about me. I don't need to hear a lecture from you. Let me out of the car. Now!" I yelled and he stopped the car. I opened the door an got out. I slammed the door and begin to walk. Who does he think he is telling me.

      I get home and ran upstairs crying. I need to stop all of this. I need to forget about my feelings. Austin clearly doesn't like me so I won't like him back. "Hailey Marie. Why are you crying?" I look up to see my mom. "I really like Austin and he doesn't like me back!" I began to cry harder. She came up and hugged me. "Oh sweety. Me and your dad were thinking. We think your fine and don't need to be grounded." I sniffled. "Thanks mom. What do I do about Austin?" She smiled. "You get with one of his friends. When dad and I were in highschool on dated his friend Bobby. I was doing it to see if he gets jealous. He did. and now we're married." I laughed and she handed me my phone. "Nice story mom. Thanks." She gave me a thumbs up. I climbed out my window and went to Alex's.

      Since I've been here Alex said I could just walk in. "Alex!!!!" I screamed to see if he was here. He came running in with a banana holding it like a gun. "Seriously. A banana?" he looked at the banana then at me. He held it behind his back. "Hey it could be a weapon." He set it on the counter. "A delicious one." I added.

      "I thought you were grounded." He said taking a bite of pizza. "I WAS grounded." We exchanged looks and we both started jumping up and down yelling "whoop!" We calmed down and I Sat back at the table. "So where's Austin?" He looked up from his phone. "He's at home with his mom." I nodded. "So Alex. I was wondering if you wanted to date?" He chocked. "You like me?" I nodded.  "Sure. Wanna watch a movie?!" I nodded again.

      He held my hand and dragged me to the couch. "Let's tweet about us." I said and took a picture of us kissing.

@AlexConstancio7 look how cute we are.  Love my boyfriend. :)

       He looked at the tweet and replied to it.

@haileyw0356 Your way cuter babe. **

      He looked over at me. "Why are we tweeting when we can just kiss?" I smiled and began to kiss him. I feel guilty I'm doing this to Alex. I do like him tho. as a bestfriend.  I just want Austin and no one else.

(Authors Note)

Aww she thinks Austin doesn't like her. what do you think Haustin or Halex. I love whoever is reading this. if you are leave a comment or vote or whatevs :) LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!

-Hailey Mahone

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