California Day 1

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      So i guess Hailey is gonna be here in California for a week. She also said she was bringing me something special. So it better not be one of those cheesy things she gets everytime she's out of town. Haha just kidding im just glad she is gonna be here. I miss her. Right now i am at the airport with Jeff, Jaylen, and Jake. I didnt bring Annabelle cause she kinda went out of our group to be with the populars. I dont think they are gonna be the populars knowing she is a model and dating Austin Mahone. I only know they are dating cause Nash vined it. I dont know exactly why she didnt tell me but i am gonna hound her whilr she is here.I know i am a weirdo. But so is Hailey. She was weird with me!

      "Hey Happy? When is she gonna be here?" Jake turned over to me. Jake has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is a cute boy. Just thought id describe him for you a bit. "She should be here....oh there she is!" We all shot up. She ran to us and hugged us."OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH HAPPY!" She cried in my ear. "I know you did!" We both laughed and she hugged the boys. "Hey Horastyles come here." She yelled from the exit part of the plane. "Wait what?" I am so confused. I saw Harry Styles and Niall Horan run up. OMFG that was the surprise?! "Niall this is Happy, Jeff, Jake, and Jaylen. Guys this is Niall. " Oh wow this is the best thing she has ever brought! OK NO FANGIRLING!!!!


      Hailey introduced us to her friends. I think i have a crush on happy. I am glad she isnt to young. I believe Hailey told me she was 17 and Hailey is about to be 16. "Ok guess well we better get going." Hailey said walking out of the airport. "Ill grab your bags HayHay." Happy said picking up the bag."No i got it miss." I said and our hands touched. She smiled and ran up to Hailey. 


      So this is it  California! Its so beautiful. I havent been here in a long time. It has changed over the spring. And on top of that no Austin. My mind is clear from everything in Texas. I do miss Alex and Robert though. "So what is this about you and Mr.Mahone Mrs.Mahone?" Happy whispered I started crying."Nothing anymore" She frowned and sat back in her chair.

      Jeff was on the other side of me and i leaned my head on his shoulder. "I missed you so much." I said and he smiled. 'I missed you too." He said kissing the top of my head. "JAKE ANDERSON I MISSED YOU TOO." i realized he was poking the back of my head wanting me to say it. "Hey what about me!?" Jay;en said from theback ofthe van."Ok jaylen i missed you to." He smiled with satisfaction. It feels so right sitting here with Jeff. I think i still have feelings for him.

      We pull up to Happy's house and go inside.I have noticed Niall and Happy. They are being all blushy around eachother.I think its cute. Well we better get to bed cause i have a shoot tomorrow and i am really freaking tired. 

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