My little girl

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      I decided not to be in the delivery room cause I most likely would've passed out. I feel a little guilty that I wasn' t though. I haven't gotten to see her yet. I am so eager to. Everytime a doctor comes in to the waiting room I'm hoping it's for me but it isnt. Everyone is asleep except for Niall and Liam. "Um Niall, I'm nervous." I sighed. He raised a brow. "Why?" I rubbed my arm. "I just feel like I'm not gonna be a good dad." He sat another seat closer to me. "Austin, I am sure you are gonna be a good dad. You are so good to Hailey and I am sure you are gonna be an awesome dad." He scooted back to his spot and closed his eyes. I nodded and walked up to the front desk. "How longer until I am gonna get to see my baby?" I aksed the nurse. "Name and patients name?" She smiled. "Austin Mahone, and Hailey Wilson." She nodded and went onto her computer. "Tomorrow morning Mr.Mahone." I smiled and thanked her. "Congrats." Liam patted my back. "Thanks" I slightly smiled. 

       Liam drank his water. "Dont worry. She had the baby like 4 hours ago. She is'nt going anywhere." He sorta calmed my nerves. I layed down on the small sofa and closed my eyes. Maybe if I sleep I will wake up and see her. 


       I was waken up by the nurse. "Austin would you like to see your daughter?" I instantly stood up. She gestured me to follow her. Time suddenly started slowing down. The earth stopped spinning. The nurse led me to the door. I slowly pushed it open and saw Hailey smiling. "Come on." She said. I walked up to her slowly and she sat the baby in my arms. "She's beautiful." I said. She made a little noise that made my heart sink. "What should we name her?" I asked. She sighed. "I dont know what do you think?" I shrugged. 

      I sat in the nearest chair. "Lets name her Rose Michelle Mahone." She said. "Why that name?" I asked looking at my baby. "Well the boys have just been through so much with us and they need some credit. Then the Michelle part, well I just love your mom so much and she is an amazing woman." I nodded. "Yea I love it." I  looked down at Rose and smiled. Her eyes opened and they were beautiful. Emerald green. I smiled and started crying. "Why are you crying?" Hailey giggled. "She is just so beautiful. When can we take her home?" I asked. Hailey closed her eyes and looked up. "Um noon? Yeah noon." I nodded and handed her back to Hailey. Even though I didnt want to.

      I walked out to the waiting room and let everyone go see Rose, I am sooooooo proud to say I have a daughter

(Authors Note)

      Hope you all Loved it. If you are wondering about the name Rose it is from Best song ever Georgia Rose. Ok well bye everyone please leave comments cause I would LOVE LOVE LOVVE to read them 


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