How am I gonna tell Everybody?!

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      Austin might be really excited about the whole baby thing, but I don't know how I'm gonna tell my mom! OH SHIT OR MY DAD! He is gonna kill my boyfriend! Oh great. Happy is gonna be sooo easy to tell. She supports me through anything! That's why she is my bestie. Speaking of telling her I will call her. 

      "Hello?" She said out of breath. "Happy why are you panting?" I asked giggling a little. "I ran to get my phone. What's wrong?" She said breathing normal now. "Well Austin and know." I said kinda embarrassed. "Oh my freaking gosh! How romantic. So why do you sound upset?" She asked worried. I bit my lip knowing I cant keep a secret from my bestfriend. "Well I'm Pregnant." I hesitated to say. She screamed. "FUCKING HELL!!!!!! OMFG IM CRYING HAPPY TEARS!" She screamed into my ear. "Thanks for the support. But I havent told Alex, My mom, or my dad, oh or Robert. Austin and I are planning to tell Ms.Mah- I mean Michelle tonight in an hour or so." I sighed. "OH well tell them. Your mom is really supportive." I nodded agreeing with her. "Ok well i know its late where you are so I'm gonna let you go. Love you." I hung up and took a deep breath. 

      I walked down the hall and into my mom and dad's room. "Mother, Father, I need to tell you something." I sat on their bed and they paid full attention to me. "What is it Sweetheart." My mom said making it more hard for me to tell her. My palms got sweqaty and my throat was dry. It felt like I havent drinken anything for months. "I-I-I.....I'm pregnant." I spit out the words and my mouth was dry again. "Oh sweety!" My mother cried. Tears streamed down her face and my father had no expression. "Dad are you....okay?" I looked down to my hands. "Hailey, you are only 16. You are so young! Now you have to take care of a child! We are gonna have to cancel your modeling job and......' my mother cut him off. "We are verry happy for you Honey. Arent we Anderson?!" She kinda said making sure he said yes. "Of course dear." I smiled and hugged them both. Before I stepped out of the door I heard my Dad mumble. "I need to have a talk with that boy, Austin." I laughed and went to my room. "Now to tell all the guys!" I said aloud to myself.

      I picked up my phone and typed in Niall's number."Hey Hay!" Niall laughed. "Niall. Put it on speaker I have some news." He said ok kinda of weird. "Okay guys, I have BIG news!" I heard one of them shove the other to get to the phone. "I am....pregnant." I heard silence then Louis yelled. "OH LORD! CONGRATS LOVE!" He said then everyone cheered. "Ok thats all bye guys." They all said goodbye and Niall was back on. "Congratulations." I smiled at his compliment. "Thanks. So how is it with Happy? Things good?" I sighed. "They could be better. I miss her so much. I just want to see her again. Tour just started and I'm not going to California again for maybe a month." His voice shook and there was sadness in his voice as well. "I'm sorry Niall. Just think of when you see her. TIme will go by REALLY fast." He said 'yea' and we both said our goodbyes. Now that it is almost time to tell Austin's mom and the other two guys, I'm going to Alex's. Austin and his mom are there cause I asked them to be.

      I climbed my window and down the tree. "Hey guys." I smiled and waved to Robert and Alex. "Hey you." Alex smiled. "Where's Austin?" I asked. He pointed to the upstairs and I ran up to him. I hugged him and he kissed me. "Hey." He smiled and stared into my eyes. I got butterflies just standing in his arms. "So are you ready to tell them?" I asked holding on to his forearm."Of course. Are you?" He asked and I nodded. He held my hand and we walked down stairs. "MOM, ROBERTO, ALEX!" Austin yelled and they all filed into the living room. "Hailey and I have news." He sat his mom down. "Well, I am pregnant." I said. Its easier to say once already said it to so many other people. "Oh my god." Austins mom cried. "Mom please dont cry," Austin sighed getting embarrassed. "It's fine Austin." I  nudged him.

      Austin hugged me then everyone came into a group hug. "I love you guys. And you too Mama Mahone." Everyone awed and we got back to what we were doing. "So Austin. We need to talk." I pulled him into Alex's room. "Yes?" He asked . "Me being.....well you know..... we have to cancel my modeling jobs and that means no trip." He rubbed his chin and waited a minute. "Can't you just come with me?" He asked and I shook my head. "My dad already called the school and placed me back in. I'm sorry Austin life just isnt as simple as getting me a plane ticket and flying all over the country and Japan with my boyfriend." I sighed. His eyes were sad and he stormed off. I chased after him. "Austin please dont be upset!" He stopped and turned around. 'Why shouldnt I be?!" He cried. "My girlfriend is going to be away from me for almost a WHOLE year. I cant do this anymore!" He said crying. I tried holding back my tears and it just wasn't going to happen. "So you just give up!? You give up on us, our kid and me?" I cried even harder. "Hailey I didnt mea-" He stopped and tried hugging me. "Austin, when you DO find  out if you give up or not give me a call. Cause I will be NOT giving up." I stormed down stairs and slammed the sliding glass door.

      I know he chased after me but he probably stopped and gave up. I need to stop and smell the roses. He wasnt ready for a kid! I dont even think I'm ready. SO I guess I'll get an abortion. I looked up online abortion places. I called a few and sent Austin a picture of the abortion office.

To:Austin <3

Your obviously not ready, and neither am I.

     I sent him the text and put my phone in my dresser. I sighed and plopped onto my bed. My pillow had tear stains. You can't see them but I bet they're there. I really do love Austin but if he wants to give up then he isn't serious about our relationship. If he gives up I give up and that's that. So  I hope he decides soon. Cause if he doesn't we're over and our baby is not gonna get delivered.

(Authors Note)

      I didnt have much time but i hope hope hope you like it! LOVE YOU ALL! 

-Hailey Mahone.

P.S I love Happy most! ;p 

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