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[Warning: I started to write this a while ago and is very bad and I apologise, but hey, thanks for reading :) will be editing book v soon ty xx]

Chapter 1


Zali's P.O.V

I slam my door shut and throw my school bag into the corner of my room. I fall down onto my bed and bury my face deep into my pillow just wishing it could suffocate me. I've had enough. I've had enough of this shit school. I've enough of the bullies. I've had enough of being me. And I sure have had enough of this life. I flip over so I'm facing the ceiling. I slide the sleeve of my school jumper up my arm to reveal the collection of cuts. The cuts cover my whole arm pretty much. Tears fall down my face as I wish there was an easier way out of this life. But there isn't I'm stuck on this planet as Zali Edwards. That's it.

The sound of my dad yelling booms through the house just making everything even worse. My dad doesn't even care about me anymore, I don't even exist to him, only when he wants me to though. I very rarely see my parents anyway they both work all day and don't get home until later. But when I do see them it doesn't turn out well, especially dad. I'm normally up for the late night fights between my mum and dad. Literally. More tears roll down my cheeks as I think about why did I have to continue this life. I sit up and realize the smudges covering my pillow from the mascara. I frown at everything and anything right at this moment. I throw my pillow onto the floor as I try to remove the mascara smudges under my eyes but just make it worse. I let out a sigh of frustration and decide to go take a shower to freshen up. I grab my pyjamas and a towel and head for the bathroom, the room I've been in way to many times for the wrong reasons. I try not to get spotted as I'm just about to check around the corner to see if the coast is clear when my dad suddenly walks around the corner. I jump back in shock but dad continues walking down the hall not even taking a single look at me.

" Oh yeah I forgot, I don't even exist to you" I mumble. to myself.


Just before I jump into the steamy shower I take a second look in the mirror .

What a fat, ugly mess

These words are on repeat in my head. Before my mind can think out come the razor and before I can think there are even more cuts added to my wrists and anywhere hidden. I feel like screaming but I keep my mouth shut. I squint my eyes and squeeze my arm in pain. Tears start tumbling down my face. Blood starts to drip down my arm and I quickly put the blades away before any more damage is done. I jump into the shower letting the hot water splash against my skin calming me down a bit but not my tears.


Sorry for the really short chapter. But hope you like it :)
It gets better... I hope.

Thanks for reading ily

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