Chapter Fifteen: Saving Dean Winchester

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"I can see through that act, you know." The Winchester said, "You're acting like nothing can break you. Nothing can get to you. But you're already broken; it's just no one had caught oon."

"Dean, I watched her die. It was my fault. She could be off helping him. She's dead. I should be dead." Tears streamed down my cheeks, glowing in the light. He reached over and rubbed my cheek.

"It's not your-"

I couldn't remember him like this; him showing me he cared how I felt. Telling me I should never blame myself.

I couldn't remember being the person sending him to his death.


It happened so fast-nurses rushed into the room and started CPR. While I stood in the far back of the room pacing back and forth. John would occasionally glance back at me; a worried/sad look upon his features. Did I just watch Dean Winchester die? My heart pounded against my chest. Where was Sam? "Sam...?" I croaked, tears began forming in my green eyes. The young Winchester had run down the hall for something-something for Dean. As if he knew I was thinking of him Sam walked into the room dropping the paper bag and cup of water. The contents splashed everywhere. John had to hold back his youngest son from pushing the nurses out of the way.

Sam's dark eyes made contact with mine-he shuffled sadly over to me. Without warning I buried my head in his chest bursting into tears. For ten more minutes they tried over and over. John said he had to run out to grab something. Sam and I agreed to stay with Dean. Every so slightly making eye contact. I hope they got the idiot that did this. A young blonde nurse strolled in, carrying a clipboard with papers attached to it. Sam jumped to his feet. Just then the heart monitor began beeping saying he had a pulse.

The blonde nurse wrinkled her nose turning to Sam, "He's alive....but in a coma I'm not sure if he'll ever wake up." I clenched a fist shoving my way past her. As I treaded down the hall I could feel her glares stabbing me in the back. Dean might not wake up.....he wouldn't know Sam was okay. He would never know his little brother is okay. This is my fault, I thought covering my eyes with my palms, I should have never texted him. I should have never left with the Winchester brothers. Where ever I go something bad follows. My best friend, Sami, is dead. My sister Jazmine, now Dean.

An older male nurse came to a halt lowering his clip board to his chest, "Can I help you with anything, Miss..?" He asked, kneeling down. I wiped my face on my coat sleeve looking at him. His lip quirked into a small smirk-his eyes flashed a yellow. At this point I didn't care.

"You did this didn't you...." I said, he raised an eyebrow.

"That wasn't my doing, I would much rather have Sam's brother alive." Yellow eyes replied patting my leg. I shoved him away getting several looks from nurses.

"Get away from me, monster." I growled rushing farther down the hall. People were still staring, well duh I just shoved a doctor saying he was a monster. Quiet the opposite to them. I turned the corner biting my lip. "It's my fault....." Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, Dean's voice rang in my head. It was never anybody's fault. Hell the brothers didn't even know my name but they would sacrifice themselves for me. I would do the same. Only if I could for Dean.

"I know what you're thinking, you can't you know you've already sold yourself." The possessed doctor treaded into the room, circling me, "You don't have to worry about anything. It's all taken care of." He smirked walking back out into the halls. I furrowed my eyebrows confused. All taken care of? What the hell does that mean?

Crashing echoed the halls, Sam slipped through the halls with hope in his eyes. His dark eyes locked with mine, "He's awake." Was all he had to say to get my heart beating again.

But how was he awake, the thought stuck in my head as we headed towards Dean's room.

(A/N: Yay he's alive!! Hope you enjoy the fanfic so far. Tell me your thought about it so far. Please comment/vote appreciate it a lot!!

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