Chapter Twelve: Damn Vampires....

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It was a usual night at the bar, people gambling, under aged teenagers sneaking in to grab a drink and drunken men hitting on girls they would never get to lay a hand on. Everything was the same, all but a couple demons surrounding the bar. But I was lucky enough that they didn't notice me, maybe they did but they didn't say anything.

I slid the glass bottle back and forth on the wooden bar, watching the contents slosh over the sides. I was going to smell like alcohol badly, poor damn vampires could probably smell me a state away. The three demons, now split up, all went to a different corner of the room. One blocked the door we came in, the other blocked the emergency door and the third was chatting to the bartender. I slid the bottle across the bar and pushed away, my eyes kept at the three demons. Each were waiting for something; either they were going to kill everyone. Or they were going to try to kidnap me.

Either way I was getting the hell out of dodge, I pushed my way through a group of drunk men. Mostly ones that wasted their last half an hour flirting with me. One of them, a bigger man with a tattoo that said: Marilin on his arm, snatched me up by my arm. "Why don't 'cha come home with me?" His drunk slurred words, and the stench of alcohol were too much to handle. My nose crinkled disgustedly.

"Why don't you put me the hell down before I give you a new necktie?" I spatted back, he only snickered in response then threw me on top of the pool table.

"Feisty one, eh?" He breathed down my neck, all eyes from around the room moved over to us. He pressed his larger body against mine; I gasped reaching down for my knife attached to my leg. The man grabbed ahold of my right arm; pressing down on my vein. He was a damn vampire. That's why he was after me all night. I leaned in, nose to nose with the creature that went bump in the night.

"Tell me, what tastes better, vegetarians blood or Omnivore?" A smirked was glued to my face the very second I thought of saying that, he gritted his teeth bitting down on my arm. I held back a yell leaning down just enough to grab the knife. Then proceeded to stab him in the back of his basketball head. Like a cat retracting their claws he retreated from his meal shaking his head in pain. I quickly got to my feet dodging his lunging carelessly attack, and pushed out of the bar doors. Damn vampires, they were just as bad as werewolves.

I pushed down on the wound cursing every word in the book. If only Dean were here to help. The sky was painted black with small splatters of stars. I didn't want to walk at night, but I wasn't going anywhere close to that bar when there is a group of vampires and three demons.

The Fox's Den motel wasn't too far from where I was. I turned down an ancient driveway praying nothing would jump out and eat me like a bad horror movie.

I couldn't help to think what Sam and Dean were doing at this moment. I bet they weren't almost turned into a vampires buffet.

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