Chapter Thirty- Nine

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I awoke, finding Louis getting ready to leave, for his turn of patrolling the grounds.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, sitting up.

He looked over at me, giving me a small smile "Well it is a few hours past sunset" he kissed the top of my head "I will return as soon as I am done"

"How am I supposed to rest until then?" I asked, taking his hand, scared to let go.

He squeezed my hand "You will remain safe"

I stood up, smoothing out the skirt of my dress "I need to go look around anyway, to ease my troubled mind"

"Are you sure?" he asked, watching me carefully "I could always get someone else to come in here, to keep you company"

I nodded "Yes, it will be good for me to get out of this room"

He gave a nod and reached out his hand to me, which I accepted without hesitation.

"I need to learn to be alright without leaning on you" I said.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me out of the room "I understand"

We slowly walked down the stairs, enjoying our time together and trying to make it last as long as we could, before being separated.

Laughter was heard, coming from the study, getting our attention.

"Looks like you may not be alone after all" Louis whispered "That gives me comfort"

"Good evening, Cordelia" Edgar said, smiling at us.

Kherington and Edgar were in the study, drinking, while everyone else was most likely in their rooms.

"I will leave you to it" Louis said, kissing me on the cheek before leaving.

I entered the study, taking a seat next to Edgar "I hope you do not mind me intruding"

Kherington shook her head "Absolutely not"

"In my coalition, a romance with a shapeshifter would be considered outright scandalous" Edgar commented, bringing his drink to his lips.

Kherington laughed "It is here, but no one who has an opinion will speak up about it"

Edgar turned to me "What will you do, since he continues to age and is already much older than you appear?"

"He is not that old" I answered.

"He is already thirty-six, Cordelia" Kherington said, making me surprised.

He was that old? He certainly did not appear it.

"I am surprised that you have never discussed age" Kherington said, noticing my surprise.

I nodded "Well, with me being a vampire, I suppose I just do not consider it anymore"

Now I was left wondering what a future with Louis actually meant.

Kherington reached her hand out to mine, noticing my reaction "I have the same fear, with Ava, especially now that we have an understanding between us"

Edgar nearly spit out his drink "And you, with a witch?" he let the information sink in "How progressive things have become"

Kherington stared him down "Choose your next words, very carefully"

He quickly shook his head "No, nothing negative" he looked down at his drink "Having lost the love of my life, I must insist that you both keep hold of yours, because they could be gone tomorrow, with no warning"

He stands, refilling his and Kherington's drink, while handing me one.

"Thank you" I said, taking the drink.

"When you can live forever, true love only lasts a moment when you actually lose it"

We sipped our drinks in silence, taking in what he had said.

"All hell will break loose, come morning" I said, setting my drink down "There will be a silent witch-hunt and I have no idea what will happen because of it"

Kherington stared at me "Is this a repeat of what happened before?"

I nodded "Only this time, I think there is only one witch involved"

Edgar finished his drink "Do you have any suspects?"

"Based on facts, it has to be someone who has lost little destruction in all these fallen covens" I explained.

"I will speak to Ava, since I am supposed to see her tonight" she stood "She has gotten o know the other witches most"

We watched her leave, leaving Edgar and I alone.

He leaned forward "Just how bad are things getting?"

"Well, once we take care of the witch, the P'yushchego Vampirov will have no choice but to attack the manor themselves" I took a long drink "All because they will no longer have someone on the inside"

He shook his head, raising his glass "Until we see a new day"

I took my glass, clinking it with his and finished off the drink.

"You know, you really should speak to Louis about the whole aging process" he suggested.

I nodded "I know I should, but I am unsure of how I will react if I am meant to watch him die, when his time comes"

"If he loves you, truly loves you, then after everything is done and over with, he may consider being a vampire, just to be with you" he said.

I shook my head "I have no idea of how I could ask something that big of him"

"Maybe it is something that shouldn't be asked" he suggested.

I looked down "Perhaps not, but his whole life has been about being a protector and if I asked him to give that up, what would he have left?"

"Well, you, for one" Edgar said, catching me by surprise.

Would Louis really consider giving up his life to be with me?

Could I really even speak to him about that?

Heath has told Florence he would, once the time is right, so would Louis be the same or would he laugh at the idea?

"Do not dwell on it too much, because as of now, it is not the most important thing that should be rattling your mind" he said, patting my shoulder as he stood.

I watched him take the last of the blood, filling both of our goblets.

"Things will be alright, one way or another" he said, sitting down "Some of us will survive and the others will be remembered"

Now I was left wondering how many of us would actually make it out of this fight alive.

Would I be one of them or would I be left standing alone, all because of how badly they wanted me alive?

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