The Date

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6th April 2015


Today is the day!! Im finally going on a date with him. But first I need to get all my things from Lizzy's place. So i threw on some leggings and a jumper and set off down the road. I let myself into the flat with my spare key and found her eating breakfast. "Moooooornin" I said happily. "Morning, your stuff's all in my room if you wanna grab it" she said after finishing a mouthful of cornflakes. I thanked her and went through to her room. I picked up the plastic bag and got my make-up bag and hair curlers inside and left the room. "See ya tomorrow Liz" "Bye, enjoy today" and then I left to get ready.

Oh what to wear? What to do for makeup? Ohhhhh the choices! In the end I decided to wear some light blue denim jeans with a red checky shirt and a gold necklace with the deathly Hallows on it. I did some winged eyeliner with a nude lip and I spritzed in some sea salt spray to give my hair some nice beach waves. I grabbed my trusty satchel and texted Brad. "Ready when you are xx what even are we doing?? Xx" I pressed send, my black matte nails tapping the screen lightly. "I'll pop over now... you'll see xx" he replied just seconds later.

 It only takes 5 minutes for him to get here and before I know it me and Brad are walking down my road together. "I was thinking we could go to hyde park and then down to the amusement park or something??" He said as we walked, looking into my deep brown eyes. "That sounds lovely, thank you Brad." We walked and talked all the way to Hyde Park, where we ate lunch in a lakeside cafe together. We spoke about the rest of his tour and what we were gonna do. I want an official relationship with him, but tour might change things up. Maybe we could get together after...? But in the mean time I want to keep seeing him. We finished lunch and walked around the lake, happy in each other's company. We went down a road that lead to the entertainment side of London, where all the amusements were. We were now at least half an hour from my house. We would have to get the bus home.

We spent an hour or 2 and the amusement park and I had so much fun. We played as many games as we could and laughed at each other's fails. He won a small teddy bear and gave it to me, which was cute. We are now on the bus im the way to mine. We're sat next to each other at the back of the bus, when he did something I never expected. All of a sudden our almost touching fingers were intertwined and I relaxed, feeling safe in his tight grip. We got home and we settled down to watch a movie with some popcorn. I cuddled close to him, playing with the hem of his t shirt. He stroked my hair lovingly and whispered the sweetest things into my ear. 

I think I may have found the one.

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