
92 3 0

30th June 2015


It has been a day since I left the hospital, and I spent yesterday in a hotel to recover. I saw something on twitter this morning from Brad...

@thevampsbrad: Had a lot to think about recently, given me some inspiration for new songs. @y/t/n, good luck with life. Thank you.

I stepped off the train at my cousin's station and walked to her home which was about ten minutes from the station luckily. I stopped for food halfway as I was bloody starving, it made me think of mine and Brad's random cafe stop earlier this week. I finished up and set off for my cousin's house once again, watching one foot replace the other as I walked down her road.

I reached her house and knocked on the door. It opened, but to my surprise, there was no one there. "AVA?" I shouted, worry increasing in my voice as I hurried through the house to find my brother and cousin. I walked into her spare room completely panicked, little did I know what waited behind the door for me. A hand clasped over my mouth, stoppping me screaming as i was pulled over across the room. A bandana was tied around my eyes. They were blocking out my senses. I remembered a trick that someone taught me when i was little, and quickly lifted up two fingers, shoving them in the attacker's eyes. They let go and held their head in their hands, before looking up and revealing their identity. "Not bad for a little girl, are you?"

Oh shit. It's my dad.

I threw a hard punch at his head but he ducked, coming back up and hitting me square in between my eyes. I stepped back, dazed before running forward and kicking him straight in the balls. He doubled over and I watched, instantly satisfied by his pain. I picked up the vase that was on the bedside table, taking out the flowers and pouring the water on his head. He looked up at me, drenched. I walked over to him and pulled his hair to make him look up. He quickly wriggled from my grip and reached in his pocket, bringing out a sharp blade. I screamed, backing away. He put the knife righ to my throat, hissing in my ear. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU DO THAT TO ME AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME?" he boomed, tears running down my face. "DO YOU HEAR ME?" "Y-YES I DO!" I screamed back through my tears. "Now i'm going out later, and you're going to come with me. I have picked you an outfit, it should match your slutty personality, okay? Now get changed into it so we can leave and I can show you off to all my friends," he left the room and threw a tiny dress at me, it would barely cover my ass. I got dressed and took my phone out from my pocket. He was downstairs so he wouldn't hear me talk to someone. I rang the one person I could think of... Lizzy. I told her where i was and what was happening, she said she would come as soon as she could.

I walked downstairs in the fucking horrendous dress, makeup stains still all down my face. I have no one right now. My brother is nowhere to be seen, the boys haven't talked to me since i left hospital, and Lizzy wasn't even in the same city as me anymore. I was alone, stuck, with nobody. My dad looked at me as i walked in and gripped my hair fiercely, dragging me out to his car. He drove me to a pub where he lead me inside. A group of rough men turned around, wooping and shoutingat my dad. "LOOKS LIKE HE'S GOT HIMSELF A RIGHT SLUT THERE!" Shouts one man. "YEAH, THAT'S GREAT. SHE'LL HAVE EXPERIENCE!" shouts another. I gulp. How did i get here? My life was so perfect. Now this. Everyone was suddenly deafened by the shrill cry coming from the window. I recognised it.


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