Blink and you'll miss it

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28th June 2015


I wearily open my eyes to the sound of beeping and bright white walls. I look down at my body, under a thin sheet with multiple clips, drips and other random equipment attached. Where am I? "Y/n? Are you awake?" I hear Tristan's voice say. "I... I think so," I reply, still confused. He put a hand to my forehead as I sit up. "Take it easy, y/n/n. You fainted. I spoke to Brad an-" My heart leaped at the sound of his name. "Is he okay? Does he know what happened? Is he safe?" I say, interrupting him. "Yes, y/n. He's fine, he's actually on his way here right now," "What?! I can't see him now! We broke up! He wasn't safe with me! He-" "Y/n. Calm down. He still cares for you," My features soften at that statement. I still care for him too. "Do the doctors... know about, you know, my dad?" I asked worriedly. "Brad said you wouldn't want them to know. We told them that you bumped your head, they don't know anything as of right now," I smiled. My dad would kill Brad if he took the case to court. I didn't want that. If anyone puts him in prison its going to be me and Dan. "Miss y/l/n, Mr Simpson is here to see you. Would you like Mr Evans to stay or to leave?" A nurse said as she walked over to my bed. "Tris, you should go. I need to talk to Brad," He nodded and left. "I'll fetch Mr Simpson, Miss," "Thank you," I replayed in my head what I would say to him.

"Y/n," Brad said, rushing to my bedside. He sat on the seat and spoke softly. "Hi Brad," I said, trying to sound like I wasn't heartbroken. "How are you?" He asked as if this was a normal conversation. "Coping. How about you? How's the family?" I asked, keeping up with his little game. "Good, good," "So... I know what I said to you was harsh but... it was for the best. I didn't want you getting hurt and if you stayed with me you would so I had to stop you from carrying on. I hope you understand that you haven't done anything wrong, I didn't want to put you in a difficult situation... I'm sorry," he gulped before talking with an understanding tone. "I get it. I didn't want to be in trouble either. You haven't hurt me because you said you'd "come back if you got through it". I know that you're strong and you would. I just needed to wait," I smiled at his understanding. He knew what I meant. "The thing is though Brad... I don't know how long you'll have to wait for. My dad won't be stopped easily. I'm scared you'll wait forever. But Brad, do whatever you want while we're not together. Have freedom. Please. it'll make me happy," I asked, I want him to be happy while I'm in trouble. "I will. I should get going, Con is outside waiting to see you. He said James and Lizzy and Adam were coming too. Good luck y/n. I'll miss you," And with that he left. Blink-and-you'll-miss-it speed. We were over.

I spent some time with Con before James arrived and visited me, then Lizzy and Adam. Lizzy helped me see the bigger picture. I was in trouble, highly depressed and needed safety. She said she knew I wouldn't go to hers as it's too obvious, so she suggested joining my brother at my cousin Ava's house. I considered it for a while after she'd left.

Then I knew. That was my next stop.

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