Am I safe?

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26th June 2015, 11:00am


I wake up confused and worried, did anything happen to y/n overnight? I open my eyes to see my beautiful girlfriend stood up, packing away her pillow in the large case she had brought with her. "Morning B, we should get going soon. It's 11, if we leave now we'll get to Dan's in an hour or so. Maybe quicker, because we can actually see where we're going now," I nod and stand up, packing away my own pillow and helping her with the blanket. When we're ready, we set off out the park to find somewhere to eat. We end up in a little café. I can tell y/n's uncomfortable because she's not showered or changed clothes, but as soon as we get to her brother's house, we should be able to clean up.

Y/n pays for the food with a couple of notes she pulled from her hoodie pocket, then we leave and set off. We'd been walking for half an hour before y/n received a call from the same number as yesterday. She answers and puts in on speaker phone. "You can run, my darling, but you can't hide. I know exactly what you've done. Nice try, you can run forever and I'll always haunt you. Have fun, daddy's waiting for you," she put down the phone and we sped up our walking pace, as if her dad was behind us trying to catch us right now.

She lead me up a set of steep stairs to an apartment that looked fairly modern. "This is Dan's apartment. He shares it with Alec so even if Dan ran away too because of dad then Alec should be here. You ready," I run my hand through my hair before gripping onto y/n's, before confidently saying yes back. She knocked the door and waited for an answer. "Y/N!" Said a young boy, hugging her. He looked a little older than me but nothing like y/n. Is this Alec? "Alec," she says, exhaling deeply. "Where's Dan, is he safe?" she says pulling away. "He ran last night, told me to stay here in case you came. I'm guessing your dad contacted you too?" "Yes, yesterday. Alec this is my boyfriend Brad, he was staying with me at the time and he wouldn't be safe with dad so I brought him with me," I shake Alec's hand as he lets us in.

"You're bloody lucky you're safe, y/n. Dan rang me this morning and told me he was getting the train up to your cousin's house. He expected you would come here as Lizzy's house is too close. Want a cup of coffee, Brad?" he asked me politely. He's been so good to us and Dan, I can see why she's come straight here. "Yeah, thanks. A lot of milk and no sugar, thanks mate," I said, walking through the apartment to find y/n. She had just come out of the shower and was dressed in a random tee and some leggings, about to ring somebody who I assume was Lizzy. She explained the situation and I sat with her, rubbing circles on her back. "BRAD! COFFEE IS READY!" I heard Alec shout, breaking me from my daydream. I was sipping on it before I realised that I should probably ring one of the boys and explain. I sat and explained the situation to James, who said he'd tell the others. He was really worried about us, telling me I shouldn't be out here as I could get killed. It made me realise. I did this for y/n and to protect me from her father, but is it really a good idea? Should I be doing this?

Am I safe?

Boy Without A Car ~ Brad Simpson ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora