Chapter 22

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"I'm pregnant," I said breathlessly aloud to Andy. His eyes widened.

"Are you sure?"

"Well the last time know...was like five days ago. I could be wrong about all this, but there's only one way to find out if I am."

He nodded.

"I'll be right back, okay? I'll get a pregnancy test."

"Okay,"I replied, pulling the blanket over me as he got up. He kissed my forehead and walked out. I pulled my knees up to my chest and took a deep breath. If I were pregnant, would we have to postpone the wedding? Or just have it before I get all bulky? A million worries started to go through my head. I can't be a pregnant teen. But what would happen if I am...

Andy's POV

I walked down the street to Walmart as I thought of all the possibilities. If she is pregnant, gosh, I'm blessed to be given a child. Sure, a lot of people think it's horrible to have a kid at my age, but age is but a number. I'd he ready to raise the kid with my wife and live happily ever after. That's not too bad, right? I love kids, but I'm still a little fuzzy on this whole me having a kid topic.

I dunno, we'll just have to wait and see. Wait, what about the wedding???

My thoughts suddenly cleared as I politely walked through Walmart's old automatic doors. I grabbed a pregnancy test and a six pack of Ginger ale, then bought it and ran back to the bus.

"Ash?" I called as I climbed into it.

"She's over here," Brooke replied from our room. I pulled a Ginger ale out of the plastic ring and brought the test.

"You okay?" I asked Ashley, who was slumped over on the bed.

"I,m not doing too bad, but let's see what's up with me," she said as I handed her the test.

She got up and walked to the restroom.

"Thank guys," she called on the way there.

"Welcome," Brooke and I both said.

As soon as Ashley shut the bathroom door, Brooke turned to me.

"Do you think she's actually prego?" She asked, worried.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"She could be..but then again I don't know."

She nodded and sighed. Alex walked in and looked at me seriously.

"Is she..."

"We don't know yet."

Then Marceline walked in.

"Hey do you know if she's-"

"Omg, people, I don't fuckin know!"

"Woahh calm down," Brooke said.

"Just let it go guys," Marceline said. "He's at the point of father or not so it's obviously stressful, for all of us even."

I exhaled.

"If it's a boy..." Alex hinted as I looked up at him. "Can you name him after me?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Oh dream on sucker," I joked. He laughed and left, and so did the others, leaving me alone to think.

Then, Ashley quietly walked in.

"It's confirmed," she said with wide eyes.

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