Chapter 9

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Andy's POV

These dudes were trying to mess with us, so I thought I'd set things straight with those pricks. I felt something hit the back of my neck, and felt it burn. I quickly brushed it off, and saw that it was a cigarette that fell to the floor. Those guys must've thrown it at me.

I ordered Ashy and Marceline to keep walking, so they confusingly agreed. I saw a group of maybe four or five guys walking behind us like they owned the street, and it's people. I tried to keep my breathing going steadily as I reached them. When I got to their group, they just started laughing. I was dumbfounded.

"Dude," said the one standing in front of the rest. His hair was spiked way too much with gel. "Lay off our streets," he said, crossing his arms.

"Dude, you can't just go around messing with people, it's disrespectful, and-"

"Shut up, emo," the chubbier one sneered.

"Excuse me?"

You're emo."

"I'm not emo, I'm"

They all cracked up laughing. Sure that sounded cheesy or something off of Glee, but hey it ws true.

"Just leave those girls lone," I finished, pretty pissed off. I turned away, when all of a sudden, I felt something poke me hard in the gut. I tilted my head cautiously and saw a gun being held to my side. 

"Dude, please," I begged. I looked up to see if Ashley and Marceline were okay, but luckily they were still walking. I looked around me, the guys still laughing in amusement.

"Fine, what do you want?" I gave in.

"What do we want?" the tallest one snickered.

I stood frozen in place, cringing away from the gun that was still otherwise being shoved at me. The main one looked up to where Marceline and Ash were, and narrowed his eyes, smirking.

"After I'm done with you, they're gonna wish you were here to save them," he said.

That did it. I didn't care anymore. I swung my fist and crashed my knuckles into his jaw, then kicked his shin, still throwing hits. I thought to myself how wrong this would be, how I shouldn't have thrown the first hit. But this was self defense, and they were holding a gun to me for crying out loud!

The other dudes came over and started to hit me too, causing me to yell in pain when I was punched in the face. Suddenly, I heard a booming sound go off right beside me, and  I felt an explosive piercing thing hit through go through my side, making me tense up and fall to the ground. I blinked my blurring eyes, and realized that I had been shot.

"Go get the girls," the leader commanded two of the guys, bringing me back to rel life. There was nothing I could do. The guys took off running, but passed the alley, not knowing they went through there. I felt someone kick my side, and I tried to keep still, figuring if it was the so- called leader. He sneered and continued walking with his other guys, figuring I was dead. I couldn't take the pain, it was overwhelming. I reached my hand out onto the cold concrete. trying to drag myself somewhere. Well that didn't help.  I felt paralyzed. I couldn't"t do anything else, but close my eyes and wait for help to come, first of all because I was too weak to yell for someone, and secondly, no one was here. Suddenly, everything went black, and I couldn't return to real life anymore.I was out-cold. I was unconscious. I was dying.

Ashley's POV

I forced myself to stay in the alley, and pulled my phone out to call the police. Fuck, my phone had no signal. 


What the hell was that It sounded like a gunshot??!!

"Oh god," I said, handing Noodles to Marceline.

"What are we gonna do?" she asked, wincing. I poked my head out of the alley entrance and saw...oh no. Andy was lying on the ground in a puddle of blood.

"NO!" I cried as Marceline quickly covered my mouth so that they wouldn't  hear. Suddenly two guys came running over to where we were. I ducked back in and held my breath against the wall. Luckily, they ran right past us. I ran out from the alley and raced all the way to where Andy was laying. His eyes were closed, and one arm was out wretched onto the ground.

"Andy," I cried, holding his wrist. He still had a pulse. "Andy, wake up," I sobbed, though he still remained unconscious. 

"Is he...dead?" Marceline asked from behind me, tears in her eyes. I shook my head.

"Help!" I shouted frantically. Marceline joined me in shouting for help. I turned to her.

"Marce, go to the pet shop and get help," I said.

She nodded quickly and ran back up the street to get to the shop.

"Andy.." I sobbed again, sitting beside him. I winced when I saw the blood all over his side. "Please don't leave me.."

I heard sirens coming around the block, and stood up to wave them down. The police car stopped, and out ran two police officers coming to Andy. 

"He was shot!" Marceline said coming behind me. Then I heard more sirens coming around the block, surely an ambulance. One police came over to me and took me by the police car. I reluctantly agreed to leave Andy for a few seconds, but if it would help...

"Tell me, miss. What did you see?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows and taking out  notebook.

"A group of four,maybe five guys fought him, and then...I guess they shot him. I didn't see that part...well then the guys took off."

"Can you give a brief description of these men?"

"Umm most were wearing black, and jeans. One wearing a wife-beater tank. One was tall, mid twenties probably. And a chubbier one, maybe late teens, and..."

"Thank you, ma'am," he said quickly. I looked over and saw Andy covered with  blanket on a stretcher, being lifted into the back of an ambulance. I ran over to him, starting to sob hysterically.

"Andy!" I cried. "May I ride in the ambulance with him?" I asked the ambulance guy. He nodded, and got in. I climbed in as well, and looked over to Marceline.

"It's okay, go ahead," she said. "I have Noodles with me anyway, so I'll meet you at the hospital."

I nodded lifelessly, as they shut the door.

"Andy, please don't.." I begged as the ambulance dude put an oxygen mask on him. He hooked up an IV needle to him and started to give orders to the other guy. I couldn"t help but cry more and more. I think  the love of my life might have to leave me. If so, perhaps a pistol to my head would be just fine.

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