Chapter 6

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Ashley's POV

After about forty five minutes of sitting back on the couch by myself, I glanced at the time on my phone. 6'oclock. I yawned and got up to go to Andy and I's bunk. No one was in here, but I decided to just wait for Andy when he was done showering. Leaning back onto the small bed, my eyes fell heavy, and I drifted off into a nap.

After a pleasant dream, I felt the bed dip, and someone's strong arms wrapping around me. He kissed my neck softly and laid back behind me. I fluttered my eyes open, glad to see Andy there by my side.

"Have a nice nap?" he asked, smiling.

I nodded, and sat up to kiss him on the nose. He sweetly smiled, and turned around to look out the window.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. He nodded and pulled the blanket over both of us. I sighed, watching the trees go by out the window. It had already become dark, and the only source of light in the outside world was only a glistening moon glowing through a wisp of clouds. It was nearing sunrise, so the stars quietly faded away, but darkness still somewhat lurked. I wasn't even tired though, considering I'd just woken up from an 11 hour sleep. Wow, I really must've been really tired.

"It's soo early," I groaned. It was 5 in the morning.

"Tired?" he asked, knowing the answer. I shook my head, and noticed the bus was coming to a stop. I looked at him I confusion, but he just shrugged.

"Wait here," he said quietly, getting up. He went behind the black curtain, and I heard his voice, along with Alex's. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying though. Then the black curtain pulled open, and Andy walked back over to me, sitting at my feet.

"We're in our first city of the tour, and we have to set up early before the other bands come."

"Okay," I stretched.

"And we're in LA," he hinted.

"What about it?"

"My hometown, so Austen will be here!"

"Omg I haven't seen her in ages!"

He helped me up and left so I could get dressed. I changed into a pair of light blue torn skinny jeans, and a blue top with a black vest over it. Then I put on a pair of knee high converse, and slipped into the small bathroom to fix myself up.

After gettting ready, I followed Andy and the others outside and we all went into an area where Alex and Andy started to set up the merchandise tents that Austen would later be operating. I pulled some Broken Bones bracelets out of the boxes and helped lay them out on the table. Alex came over and helped me, but then took one out of the display and put it around my wrist.

"Happy birthday sister!" He smiled. I laughed and started to take it off but he quickly stopped me.

"No really, keep it!" He assured me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's on us anyways."

"Aw, okay thanks!" I said, reaching up on my tip toes to hug him.

"Ashley!" A voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw Austen, still as bad ass looking as before.

"Austen! It's been too long!" I said, quickly hugging her.

"I'll catch ya guys later," she smiled as Andy, Alex and I started walking away.

"Where's Brooke and Marceline and Ariana?" I asked Andy.

"They went to scope out the other bands. Apparently our band isn't good enough," he joked, making a little sad face.

I playfully hit him and wrapped my arms around his torso. We started to hear other bands warming up and such on the other stages, so I pulled him by the arm to come with me to see the other bands.

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