Chapter 11

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"Ashley..." I heard Andy whisper. I blinked my eyes open and saw him standing there, dressed and ready to go. It was already morning, and the sunlight blinded me for a second. I groaned and quickly sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"It's like 8am. Time to go."

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? We're not in any hurry."

"No really, just a little sore but I feel fine I guess."

"Okay then," I sighed, getting up. I hooked my arm around his, helping him walk if he needed any support. He leaned slightly over to me and walked a little slower than he normally would. I led him to the front desk and signed out for him, then helped him outside, down the steps, and over to a bench to sit down.

"The others are going to pick us up," I said after texting Alex. "I bet my hair looks like crap."

"No it doesn't. Pretty as always," he said fixing my bangs.

"Nice try."

"Well excuse me for thinking your pretty!"

That made me laugh. I held his hand as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Does it hurt?" I asked quietly.

"A little bit if I touch it. But don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"How long did they give you to fully recover?"

"Like three weeks."


The tour bus pulled up in the front, and I helped Andy up. We climbed in, and were immediately greeted by our friends.

"Yay I'm glad your okay!" Brooke said, jumping to hug him. He cringed away, as she remembered.

"Whoops. Sorry I forgot you got shot."

"Yeah no biggie."

"Oh yeah the doctor called, he says he wants you to get plenty of rest," she said.

"Okay," he sighed. He walked to the back to his bunk to rest as I pulled Marceline to the side.

"Come with me," I whispered quickly.

"Why?" She whispered back, confuzzled. Yeah, confuzzled. Confused plus puzzled. Confuzzled.

I pulled her out of the bus and onto the sidewalk.

"We need to get him a 'get well soon' present. Wanna come?"

"Oh, okay then!" She said.

We walked next door to the gift shop, and were greeted by the fresh smell of flowers. The floors looked like tiles from the 50's, and all decor looked vintage.

"This place is beautiful," Marceline whispered. I looked up and noticed that the roof was made of blue stained glass, and on the walls were wreaths of white flowers.

"Hello, may I help you?" A frilly voice rang out throughout the shop. We looked around to figure out where the voice was coming from, and realized there was a desk in the corner, and there was a young girl about our age standing behind it.

"Oh, yeah I was just looking for a 'get well' gift for a friend."

"We have a great selection over in aisle one."

"Thank you," I smiled politely and followed Marceline to the aisle.

"Ooh I'll get him a teddy bear," I said, picking up a blue one holding a heart that said 'I love you.'

"Aw that's cute," Marceline said.

"I'll get him a card too," I smiled, thinking of him. I picked out one that had a bunch of hearts and paint splats on them, then took them to the counter to pay. After paying, we ran outside to the bus before it would leave us.

"Surprise!" I yelled, walking over to Andy's bunk. He blinked his eyes open and smiled when he saw the bear.

"Awwhh!" He beamed as I handed it to him. Marceline walked in from behind.

"It's from the both of us," I smiled, pulling her close by the shoulders.

"That's so sweet, thank you!!!" He said, reaching out to hug us.

"We got you a card too," Marceline added as I pulled it out.

"We should have signed it..." I paused. She handed me a pen that she spotted on the ground and we signed our names and added some sweet messages.

"Here ya go!" I blushed, handing it to him.

He opened it and read it aloud:

"We hope you get well soon. We love you," he read. "Aw that's so nice!" He smiled, hugging us again, then kissing me on the cheek.


We all peered down, and saw Noodles rubbing up against my leg.

"Aw come here," I cooed and picked him up. Andy reached over to pet him, but we hissed and cringed away.

"Well then," Andy said, offended. I laughed and kissed Noodles on the head.

"I think he's scared of you," I giggled.

"Either that or he wants to kill me. Look, he's giving me the death glare," he pointed. We all looked down at his fuzzy face, sure enough to see him staring at Andy with his Halloween orange eyes. I covered his face with my hand and laughed, bringing him back to the living room.

"You should rest!" I called to Andy.

"Yeah I know."

I set the furry kitten down gently onto the couch, and walked over to the cabinet to get an ibuprofen. I filled up a glass of water, and went back to his bunk, handing it to him.

"Here, it'll ease the pain," I said softly.

"Thank you," he said, taking it. He scooted over so I could cuddle with him.

"So, what's the next city?" I asked, tucking my face into his neck.

"Mountain View, California. It might be warm there though, since it's summer."

"Yeah but will you be able to perform?" I asked, glancing down at his stomach. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll try."

"You don't have to if you feel hurt."

"I know, I know. But a lot of people are expecting a shitload out of me. Plus I like performing."

"Okay then," I sighed. I sat up and kissed his cheek, then stood up.

"Get lots of rest," I said soothingly, about to walk out.

"Ash?" He said suddenly.


"Really, thank you."

I smiled and looked away.

"Your welcome," I said softly, looking back into his eyes. He smiled and turned back around, closing his eyes.


I looked back down and saw Noodles again. I laughed lightly and picked him back up. He needed some love too. I went to the livingroom and taught little Noodles how to play fetch with a ping pong ball. I was teaching him a dog's game, but hey he liked it! Then I sat back and thought about how lucky I was. Yeah, Andy got shot and Brooke was now an ex-convict, but I had a stable group of caring and loyal friends that would do anything for me. I even had Noodles to help make my day a little sunnier. What in the world did I do to deserve this?

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