Chapter 17

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As Andy and I got onto the big tour bus together, crickets chirped around us in the night. The only sources of light that remained outside were from street lights, and the distant colors of the paper lanterns left over. The rest of our friends were out partying at an afterparty that was thrown together by the other bands, but since a lot already went down for the both of us today, we decided to call it a night. I flipped on the bus light as Andy trudged on into the back where his bunk was and to take the medication his doctor ordered him to take for his wound.

"So, how's the tour life going for you?" He called from his room.

"Oh, just fantabulous."

He chuckled.

"Yeah, we'll get to live through this for about thirty more shows," he responded.


"Yeah. But trust me, after the fifth, your whole world just seems like a party and the total stress should be gone. I guess you just kind of get used to it. But it's worth it."

"Hm, I could live with that," I smiled, walking over to him and taking his hand.

He twirled the ends of my hair and kissed me on the cheek.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go dye my hair black," I smiled, pulling away from him.

"Need any help?" He asked.

"No thanks, but you, Mister, have to get tons of rest according to doctor's orders."

He lightly laughed and ducked into his bunk.

I smiled to myself, and went into the small bathroom and dyed my brown hair black.

~The Next Day~

I heard Alex's voice quietly above me, though his words weren't directed at me. I rustled in my sleep and realized Andy was still there, and his arms were still wrapped around me. I kept my eyes closed, but listened to what they were saying to eachother.

"Really, I really do," Andy replied to whatever Alex had said before.

"Then I think you should go for it, man."

"Thanks dude."

I blinked my eyes open and saw Alex already pull the curtain closed behind him as he exited.

"Morning," Andy said suddenly from behind me.


"Oh..did you hear what we were just talking about?"

"No, I didn't," I replied quietly. It was true though, I had no idea what they were even talking about.

"Okay, good," he said relieved. He rolled out of bed, and quickly kissed my forehead as he stood up and stretched.

"I have a surprise for you later," he said, fighting a smile.

"You do?"

He nodded and exited through the curtain. I quickly rolled out of bed to follow him.

"What's the surprise?" I asked as he walked over to the livingroom.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!"

I playfully pouted, and he laughed and passed me to go shower. I painfully wanted to know, because he knew I never liked things to be kept a secret from me.

I went back to go get ready, then realized the bus had stopped. I looked over at the clock hung up on the wall, which indicated it was 4PM. What the hell?? Huh, all that fun I had yesterday had to pay off with a full night's sleep. Plus, I went to bed at like 1AM.... And plus it made up for lost hours from the night before....

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