Chapter 10

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I tried to hold back my tears to be strong for Andy, but I just couldn"t. I cried and cried as I held his hand on the ride to the hospital. Just then, I felt his hand move, and his fingers tightened around mine. He hazily blinked his eyes open, and glanced over to me. He looked weak, especially with the mask on his face.

"You'll be fine. It's gonna be alright," I assured him, now holding his hand with both of mine. He gazed at me, and made an attempt to nod weakly.The ambulance came to a stop, and I scooted to the side as they rolled him out. They rushed him to the entrance of the emergency center, and I ran after them to catch up. A cool breeze blew at me as I quickly walked through the automatic doors into the entrance. I ran after them taking him into the back, and began to sob again. I bet my makeup was running down my cheeks and my face was red. Suddenly, a nurse stepped in front of me, trying to take me back to the lobby.

"No," I cried. I wanted to be with him. The nurse ignored my plead to be with my boyfriend and led me back to the lobby, where I saw Alex and Brooke waiting. When they saw me, they quickly stood up. Alex took me in his arms and took me over to the chairs to sit down as Brooke hushed me. I gasped for breaths, trying to stop crying, but I just let it all out. I rested my face against my "brother's" shoulder and shut my eyes.

"He'll be fine," Brooke said, resting her hand on my leg.

I tried to steady my voice to speak.

"He tried to protect me," I breathed shakily. "It's all my fault."

"It's NOT your fault," Alex said.

"It is."

"No. And they'll find those douchebags , don't worry."

I tried to calm myself, and looked around the lobby. It had this...depressing feeling. Not because of the fact that tons of people probably died here, but the furnishings were depressing as well. The floors were white, and the walls were too. The front desk was gray, and the chairs were brown. It was silent. I noticed the other faces, grim and emotionless. The sound of automatic doors opening caught me off guard, making me jump a little. Marceline walked in and saw me. She came over and gave me a hug, then sat down beside us.

I tried to change the subject to get my mind off Andy.

"So," I said wearily. "You were bailed out?" I asked Brooke, turning to her. She nodded and moved a hair out of my face.

"Yeah, but hitting her was worth it," she quietly laughed.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For standing up for me with Ariana earlier. Thank you for that."

"Oh, yeah. You're welcome."

We ended up staying there for a few hours until it got dark. I fell asleep on Alex's shoulder , and Brooke on mine. Marceline curled up against the arm of her own chair, and Alex leaned against his.

"Ashley?" A nurse called into the lobby, making us all jump.

"I'm awake," I muttered, sitting up.

"Andy Destrey keeps saying your name? I guess he's requesting to see you."

"Oh," I said getting up. I looked back at the others and they nodded. I followed the nurse through large door and down the hall, around into the second hall, where she opened up the fifth door to the right. I cautiously walked through as I wiped away a tear, when I saw him.

He was hooked up to a bunch of wires and needles, with an oxygen tube hooked up to a small mask on his face.

Oh god, I almost started crying. But I didn't. His eyes lit up when he saw me, giving a little smile. The nurse closed the door behind me to give us some space.

"Feeling okay?" I asked quietly, sitting in a chair by the bed. He saw the hurt, fear, and grief in my eyes and carefully removed the mask from his face.

"Don't you need that?" I asked.

"Not really, the nurse just said to use it if I feel I need it."

"You need it?"

"No, I'm okay."


"Yeah Ash I'm sure," he smiled. "I love you," he said suddenly.

"I love you too dawg. Look, thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?"

"For protecting me, and doing something like that. You're really brave."

"Oh no problem. Can you pass me that please?" he pointed to a water bottle set on a stool. I opened it and helped him sip it.

"Thank you."


I looked around the room and realized it was really quiet. I looked up to the tv that was off and glanced at him.

"Please?" he asked. I nodded and got up to turn the tv on, and changed it to the local news. My eyes widened when it panned to the street Andy was shot on, and flashed onto a news reporter.

"Look, they're talking about you!"

"The reporter woman pointed to the blood-stained sidewalk.

"Here, as you can see, is where Andy Destrey, had been shot after being mauled by a pack of thugs."

Andy covered his face in embarrassment.

"I was expecting more of a heroic story," he said.

"It sort of is?"

He gave me a doubtful look.

"She said I was shot and mauled by a pack of thugs."

I giggled and turned to look at him seriously.

"But I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, thanks, babe. Can you do me a favor and check my twitter for me?" he asked, pointing to his phone. His extending arm pulled at the wires hooked up to him, so I pushed his arm down, giggling. I got on twitter on his phone, already logged into his account.

"Woah," I whispered.


"You have like a hundred 'get well' tweets. Hold on, let me make that one hundred one," I smiled, taking out my phone and writing out a tweet to him.

"Haha, oh Ashley. I love you."

"Love you too," I blushed, stretching over to kiss his lips, when the door swung open.

"Hey dude," Alex said, walking in. I pulled away from Andy and saw the nurse walked in.

Andy sat up straighter and looked over at the nurse.

"Hey um, when do you think I'll be able to leave?" he asked.

"Tomorrow probably if you're feeling well," she responded, unhooking a couple of needles that were stuck in him. She left, and Alex turned to him.

"So how did they get the bullet out? Did they like have to perform surgery or-"

I hit him in the gut to shut him up. Andy laughed.

"I was unconscious for that part, but I was told they opened me up, and took it out, then they stitched me up!"

"Dude that's sick!" Alex exclaimed.

"I know right!" he shouted back.

I covered my ears like I didn't hear anything, and sat down on the other chair by the window.

"Mind if I stay the night?" I asked.

"That's really sweet. You can if you want to," he smiled.

I grinned and pulled my legs up to lean against the arm of the chair and relax. It was already night time, so I tried to make myself comfortable and sleep. After Alex left, the nurse shut the lights off, leaving us in the dark.

"Thank you," I heard Andy mumble.

"Welcome," I responded quietly.

I closed my eyes, and curled up, resting my head on the chair's arm and tried to fall asleep. Maybe touring wouldn"t be as easy as I thought it would be.


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