Chapter 19

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Ashley's POV

~The next day~

I sweeped some blush across my dewy cheeks and pulled my hair up into a fancy bun. This should do. I finished the final touches of my makeup as I felt arms snake around me and pull me close.

"Ready?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, but just give me a sec."

He nodded and grabbed his jacket, then reached for mine. As I stood up, he pulled my jacket onto me and laced his fingers through mine. I paused and switched to serious mode.

"Just as a warning, my family-"

"I told you, don't worry. It'll be okay."

"Okay," I sighed. He threw his arm around me and held me close comfortingly. As the bus stopped in bright, sunny park, Andy and I walked out from our bunk room and into the main room where Marceline and Brooke were.

"Hey guys," Marceline smiled.

"Hey," Andy responded.

"Where ya going?" Brooke asked.

"Stupid family reunion crap," I exhaled. It's not like I wanted to be here.

"Oh come on. They're family!" Marceline said.

"Yeah, but we're too different. But today we'll try to make it work I guess."

"Good luck," she sighed with a faint smile at her lips.

"Thanks," I replied, waving as we both hopped out.

The fresh smell of indulgent, mouthwatering barbequed steak came to my senses. I looked out to the field where the family gathered, and off to the side another relative barbequed food for everyone.

"Hungry?" A female voice popped up behind me.

I turned around quickly and there stood Aunt Kiara, wearing a beautiful white sun dress.

"Oh hi!" I exclaimed, hugging her.

"What are you guys doing all the way over here?" She asked as she greeted and hugged Andy.

"Oh, we just came."

"Then come on guys, let's go," she smiled warmly, leading us through two huge bronze gates on a stoney pathway, opening up into a wide open grassy field filled with people, picnic tables, and food. Aunt Kiara smiled and suddenly walked away to the other relatives, leaving Andy and I awkwardly standing there in a crowd of people. Kids ran by, and the adults chattered, blurring into a cluster of voices and background sounds.

"Hello, Ashley," I heard a voice. I searched the groups of people to fgure out where the familiar woman's voice came from. Finally I spotted Aunt Beatrice with a....fading smile. What? Why stop smiling? Is something wrong?

This was exactly one of the reasons I never liked to be with my family. Anxiety ran through my veins and suddenly I felt pressured to be as expected. These people gave me so many unnecessary thoughts.

"Hi Aunt Beatrice," I gave a fake smile. Her face turned grave, and disapproving as her eyes traveled over to Andy, standing protectively beside me.

"Well," she scoffed, raising an eyebrow, like someone had said something funny.

"Something wrong..?" I asked slowly, clutching Andy tighter to me.

"Oh, no," she brushed it off her shoulder, but you could still tell there was tension.

"No playing games, I asked what's up with you. What is it?" I asked impatiently. Andy held me calmingly, wanting to prevent trouble.

"Oh it's nothing," she finally spat. "It's just that he's not someone I pictured you with. I mean look-"

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