How People Act

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There are many people in this world. And many kinds of people. Some are the basic kinds and then there are those you learn about later on in life. The basic are you're nice, mean, back stabbers, etc.

And well when you get older they get more complex. Like everything else in life. So instead of nice there are categories of nice. You have the sweeties, the super cheerful, the always helpful, the 'welcoming committee', the always hyper ones(like they're on a permanent sugar rush) and of course there are more, but it would take forever to list them.

And mean gets broken down too. There are the female dogs(yeah, I still don't curse. Deal with it) and those get broken down into different categories. The 1st level, 2nd level. and 3rd level. Ir you get into anything might want to run for you're life. Then you have you're typical snoops, the I'm-way-better-than-you's, and again more but don't have the time or energy to write them all.

Ah yes, the back stabbers. We all know one or someone who knows one. You have the total best friend, the unknown to what they're doing ones, the total cliche gossip girl/boy, last one I'll list is the seemingly innocent to everyone but the most deadly: the suck ups.

And then you go into putting people in clicks. The jocks, freaks, losers, preps, emos, goths, nerds, get the idea. It's how society works. That's what my sister does, blames everything on society.

Well back to my rant about social circles or whatever.Oh and even the labels have categories. I swear it's like we want everything to be complicated so we can complain about it. Why couldn't we just stick with nice and mean!?!?!?!?

Sorry, I get carried away sometimes. Anyway, why do we need all these categories and labels? Are they really important? Would we die without them? My answer: no. If you're answer is yes, than please explain because I would just love to know. No joke.

But my main focus for today is fakes. Like people who are...well fake. That's the only way I can think to describe it. They are frauds that will do anything to get what they want. And maybe they just want to fit in. And I'm sorry, but selling your soul(so to speak), just to fit in, is SO not worth it.

And it's a little sad. How people will do anything to be popular. It's just....I don't get it. I honestly don't. And I would love it if someone could explain it to me.

My friends believe I'm the most innocent person in the world. And maybe they're right. But I am who I am. And I'm starting to be okay with that.

So yeah, I don't get why it's so important. And yeah, I think everyone is perfect in their own way. Because maybe that's just who they are. And yes, I look for the better in people. But is that bad? Is that wrong?

I truly just want it explained. All of it. This whole social system thing. it's just confusing and unnecessary to me. And if you have some valid points to why it is necessary or important; share them with me. But I don't want people just saying: because it is.

No, that's not a good answer. And you're just proving my point more by not being able to come up with a good reason. And not to be a teacher, but...because it is or because is not a real answer.

Social sytems and rankings are shallow, stupid, pointless, and are created by people who need to make themselves feel better by putting people down. That is just my honest opinion. I'm not trying to be mean, and I don't want you to think I am. But I just don't get it. My innocent mind doesn't comprehend.

And I don't blame people for just following it. It's how you were raised. Well in close, outside the classes, it was what you were taught. Who even invented it? I mean seriously. Who did? Because I want to know why? How long do you tink it's been around for? Probably a really long time.

I wonder if it would be easy to just stop using the social rankings....


Author's Note

Now I'm starting to see why I'm like Stargirl. I mean...if you read the book and really, really knew me or even just like knew me from school, you'd see why. I'm her. I mean physically no, but mentally and emotionally yes.

It's really weird now that I think about it. It's, really. And everyone saw it before me. I'm actually happy to be like Stargirl. She's the essence of everything that breaks the social rules. And if I'm like that, then good. I want to be like that.

So what if I don't fit in? Who says I want to? That doesn't mean I don't care about other people. I just care about how they feel, not what they think of me. I have real friends, and that's what matters. Having friends that have you're back.

There is also some other songs that go along with this that I'd like you to get out.

Simple Plan- Thank You

Say Anything- Admit It

Now say Admit It isn't really a 'song', I mean some parts are and other is just talking over the music. But it says some pretty deep stuff.

And-because you knew this was coming- thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Please come back and read tomorrow's!

Bye everybody


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