A tid bit of wisdom

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Author's note

I have decided to write a little bit of wisbom everyday. If you want me talk about something or want to share a personal experience feel free to. I'm here to talk about the things I wish people told me. And I know how hard it can be, but know someone is there fo you is like breathing a life into you.


Well today I've been think about how to please others. And I've realized something: I've always wanted to please others before me. And, it might sound selfish, but I don't understand how that's right. Yes, it is good to put other's feelings before your's SOMETIMES.

You still have to put yourself first too. I'm not saying become some self centered little brat, but give a day that's just for you. Or think about what would make you happy. How is it fair to you that you spend all your time trying to please everyone? It's not healthy.

I know from personal experience that it is impossible to please everyone. There is always at least one person that is, as I like to call them, an unpleasable'. No matter what you do you can't please them, and you try your best. Still means nothing to them. Unpleasables are impossible. Or so it seems.

Maybe you are an unpleasable, but you just don't realize it. But the hardest person to please is yourself. I've always wnated to please everyone, I've always wanted people to be happy. It's just the kind of person I am.

And sometimes I get so stressed out by that. Trying to make sure everyone is pleased because there are people who want the total oppiste of what someone else wants. It's so annoying. And I just want to make everyone happy so I have to find a way to make everyone happy.

But it causes so much stress, I just can't do it all. So I take a breather and think. It doesn't always help me around the problem, but it helps with the stress. Sometimes it's important to say/think: I have to think about me right now.

And again, I don't mean be a spoiled little brat, I mean put yourself first once in awhile. Just give yourself a day for you. It helps clear your head and it's just nice to have a personal day. You can be alone or with friends. Just as long as it's what you want to do. Don't let other people consume your life. Make sure you have fun, because you only get one. So make it worth while.

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