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You hear it all the time, you may even have been bullied. Or maybe you've been a bully. and I know you've heard it a million times before. Bullying isn't cool, be nice to everyone, treat others how you want to be treated, all that good stuff.

But be honest, do you ALWAYS follow it. Haven't you ever gossiped? Or maybe teased your friends? Well guess what, that's technically bullying. And sure we don't really mean it sometimes, but that doesn't mean other people might not take it lightly. I know sometimes I don't.

You might say I'm too emotional, but isn't that better than having no emotions at all? And what would happen if it was you and not me? Wouldn't you feel a little hurt? Think about this: if I make fun of you, aren't you going to get a little upset? I know I would be a little hurt.

And I probably sound like those silly assemblies that we been through, but they're not to bore you. Or to take you out of class. They're to inform you about the dangers of bullying. And yeah I know, I sound like them right now, but I know what people really think of them.

The kids in my school think they're boring and a waste of time. They think that they're stupid and pointless. And to be truthful, I think so too. I mean after hearing the same thing over and over again....you're gonna get sick of it. It's annoying, and I'm not gonna tell you what you already know.

But I know that people don't believe what an effect bullying can have. I know people think that what they say doesn't effect someone. They don't think that when they tease someone, that person you're teasing might kill themselves when they're alone. No one thinks that. No one wants to believe that's real. But it is.

I might sound like the assemblies, but I don't care. People do end their lives because of how other people treat them. when you read the note someone leaves for whoever happens to stumble upon their dead bodies then you can judge. When you hear what they felt like, when you hear how unloved and alone they felt, then you can tell me whatever you want. But until then, you can just keep quiet.

You don't have the right to say I'm too emotional until you've been what I've been through. You don't have the right to judge ANYONE. So get off your high horses and stop acting like your better than everyone else. Because you're not. And until you realize that, you're not even worthy to say a single word about someone else. And if you think they're just as good as you, you won't breathe a single bad word about them because they're your equal.

Why is it so important? Why do we care so much? We're all human. So why do we treat each other like we're not? Are we all so self centered that we need to put everyone else down so we feel better about ourselves? If we are then we are all just sad and pathetic. No matter how someone may look or act, they're still human. Still your equal. And they desrive your respect.

You don't have to like them, you don't have to be their best friend, but you do have to treat them like humans. Not just humans, but like their just as important as you. Once you get over yourself you can finally see all the horrible things that not only people do, but also what you do. It doesn't matter who you are or who you think you are, you treat everyone with respect. No one is better than anyone, and no one is less than you. Remember that because it is a major key in life. And a major key in growing up.


Author's Note

Yeah I brought growing up into this too. But everything I say, I mean. No one is better or lessthan anyone. If they act like it, they don't even desrive you talking to them. And if you want to give me grieve about how I don't know anything about suicide, go ahead.

Forget that I read a suicide note, forget that I know how a suicidal person felt. Forget that I was once deprssed and suicidal. Forget all of that and come yell at me for talking about stuff I don't know. Well, I do know. I probably know more about it then you. And I don't want to sound rude or mean. Because that's not what I meaning to do. I just am speaking my mind.

Something I feel people don't do enough of. And yeah, it's scary. I don't say what I want enough either. But I'm trying. And that's all anyone can ask of you.

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