Growing Up

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Every day, every hour, every minute, every second we are growing up. Either physically, mentally, or emotionally. No one can stop growing up, no one can trick time. It happens to everyone, and it's not always fun. But it's not always bad either.

What is being 'grown up' anyway? Is it being older? Or being mature and intelligent? Or is it loosing your innocence? When you hear adult what do you think of? I always think of some one who's older than me, smarter and more intelligent. Who knows the about the bads things too. It's not always bad to stay innocent. In facct I'd rather remain innocent forever than having to face how cruel people be.

I don't know about you, but I'm not  grown up. And I think people who act like they are(if they're not a little kid who's going through the 'I'm not a baby' phase) should get over themselves. I doubt even adults think they're grown up. And that's perfectly fine.

Everyone says I'm so mature, I'm so grown up. I may be more mature for people my age and I may even look a little older than how old I truly am, but that doesn't mean anything. I'm not grown up, in fact emotionally, I think I'm still a little kid. A scared little girl.

I'm not in a hurry to grown up, I want to take my sweet time. I want to save the good and bad times I have because I learn from them all. I might not be an 'adult' yet, but I will be some day. Not some day soon, but still some day. I'm not ready, and I don't want to be ready.

Why would I want to be? I'm happy with where I am now, and that's the important part. Life isn't about growing up, it's not about becoming an adult. Even if that's what everyone believes. I think that it's about being a kid when your a kid, being and adult when you're ready to be an adult. It's not growing up that's important, it's about you being happy with where you are.


Author's Note

I feel as if I'm always inbetween a rock and a hard place. I always feel like other people are telling me I have to grow up. Well it's too bad for them because I'm gonna be me. And if that means growing up now, next week, or next year, that's what I'll do. For now though, I want to stay a kid. I don't care what other people might think. Why should I? It's my life, not their's. So I'm going to live it the way I want to.

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