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It's been four months. I sat in the living room with three girls from town just talking. "So have you ever met Mason Lowe?" One asked. "If you consider him and my ranch hand friends then yes. I've met him a time or two." I said.

"Girl. How buff is he?" Really buff. "How good does he kiss?" Really good. "How big is he?" Big enough for me to feel it through his jeans. I was mentally answering their questions because I knew too much about him. And was wanting him badly.

"What is this?" The ringleader of them asked holding up the hoodie I never returned to him. "His hoodie." I said. "And why is it here?" She asked. "Because he saw me freezing one day, gave it to me and I've never had the chance to return it." I told her.

"Ok and what's this box pass signed by him doing in the pocket?" She asked. Michael came in just as she asked. "Money for when he's dead." I told her. She huffed. "Why don't I take both things and get them off your hands." She said.

I jumped up grabbed both items from her hands and went to my bedroom. I closed and locked the door. Then put the hoodie on that now smells like my body mist and cigarette smoke from the bar. I've been wanting to wash it but always never do.

I then stuck the pass in a clothes drawer and snuck out my window down the tree beside my window. I went straight to the stable locking myself inside and in the tack room. The heater went out last week so it's cold as crap inside.

I found the fireball and unscrewed the cap setting it on the coffe table. I held the bottle in my right hand setting down on the couch facing the trophy case. I drowned myself in competing and training for the past four months. Several new trophies were added to the case. I took a swig of the cinnamon whiskey letting it burn my throat. I took a deep breath seeing the pack of Marlboro red sitting on the counter of the kitchenette with a lighter.

I took another swig trying to ignore the pack.


"She went up to her room. There was no response. I then went outside seeing the window wide open." Michael said. "She'd be in the stable." I said. "Here's the keys. This one unlocks the outside door, and this one unlocks the tack room incase it's locked." He told me handing me his keys. I ran for the door. It was locked. I opened the stable up then checked the tack room.


I was laying on the couch my head over the edge. Me blowing breath. It looking like smoke in the air. I blew another breath between swigs. Every swig making me even more drunk than before. "I don't believe this. I come to see if you'd hear me out and your sitting there on the couch staring at the ceiling and tipping back a bottle." I turned my head towards him. Then back at the ceiling. I took another swig letting my throat burn.

Boots hitting the concrete floor didn't faze me. I took another swig and looked at the pack of cigarettes. He grabbed them throwing them across the room out of my reach. "Listen da-n it. I'm sorry for what I didn't do. That b--ch kissed me. I tried to get away from her. Every time I tried she'd dig her claws deeper into my neck." He yelled. The emotions were gone with the alcohol. I wanted to jump up into his arms but with over half the bottle gone and in my system I didn't care if I drank till I passed out.

I took another swig before the bottle was taken from my hand and smashed against the floor. I jumped up. "Then why didn't you try and call back that morning? You know when I'm mad I turn my phone off. You knew that and yet you didn't pick up when I called." I yelled back. "My phone was smashed. Thanks to my stupid self." He yelled. "Then you could have called me some other way. Not when I'm absolutely ticked and drunk." I told him.

Next thing I knew he was kissing me. The tears fell. I tried to make them stop. "Baby. I'll never forgive myself for not coming sooner. I should have packed up and ran to you. I should have jumped in my truck and ran here." He said. His head buried in my neck. "I should have shoved her away and ran after you. I'm sorry baby. Please. You don't have to forgive me for that. I want my girl back. I'm miserable without you." He said.

I continued to cry on his shoulder. He pulled me to him then sitting on the couch letting me straddle his lap. He kissed the top of my head multiple times. I sobbed uncontrollably on his shoulder. He started kissing my neck. My sobbing slowed until he lifted my head to his and kissed me. It was slow and passionate as he didn't even try to deepen it.

We broke apart him letting me rest my head back on his shoulder. He held me for a few minutes more. A tap on the window made Mason tense up. "Why are they here?" He asked quietly. "I don't know anymore." I told him. He quickly picked me up and took me to the office. He then locked the door, set me on the couch and drew all the shades.

I could tell his eyes had darkened a bit as he made his way back over to me. "It's been too long since I've really loved on you." He said, his hands on opposite sides of my head. He then leaned in and pressed his lips flush against mine. I wanted it deepened. I bit his lip. He then let me deepen it. His hands were now on opposite sides of my hips. I moved his hands to my hips.

In one quick motion he had me back on his lap straddling him. I could feel how much he was wanting me. I moved closer to him, rubbing against him. "Don't baby. I won't be able to control myself." He said. "I can make it go away." I said. "No." He said as I was already unbuttoning his jeans. He tried to keep himself under control.

I could feel his bulge right against me. "Baby don't." He warned. I then ran my hand along him. His breathing became heavier as he held me closer to him. He broke away and laid his head back. He was becoming calmer as I ran my hands along him. "Baby I've got to go to the bathroom." He said. I let him up. He went into the bathroom and came out a few seconds later. He then came over to me.

"Please don't do that again. Especially out here baby." He said. He hugged me close to him. "As good as it felt we can't start doing that." I nodded against him with my arms around his waist.

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