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After going to the motel to freshen up and rest for a little bit it was time to go. Mason gave me my behind the chute pass with his signature on the back. "A keepsake. It'll be worth money once I'm famous." He said. "Ha ha." I said. "Come on then I've gotta get there." He said. I stood up and placed a crutch under each arm before he opened the door for me letting me go to the truck.

As soon as we got to the arena he helped me out and grabbed his gear bag. He even made sure it was his bag and not mine."Here. It'll get a little chilly in the box." He said handing me something. I unwadded it seeing it was a hoodie one of his sponsors gave him for representing them.

We then went inside a shorter walk because the first parking spots were for the handicapped and bull riders. As we got to the door he opened it. Two security guards made sure no fans, especially girls, got to him. He kept me in front of him until we got past the crowd.

He then led me down the hall. We stopped at that room again before going out behind the chutes. "You'll be in there with some stock contractors, wives of a few of the bull riders, and some people that can afford a box seat. Oh and there might be a few rich fan girls up there. They love to try and pick up one of us, whether we're married, have a girlfriend or single. My last name is on the back of the hoodie." He told me as he showed me where the stairs to the box were.

I went up them and found a seat close enough to see. He was right it was chilly up here. I went ahead and put his hoodie on. I set my crutches below me unaware of anyone watching. "Oh so Mason finally found a girl." I looked back recognizing the women. All were married to bull riders. They sat down behind me.

Then a group of three girls came up. Man were they loud. "Those girls better get quiet when my husband rides." One of them said. It was about to start and those girls were paying no attention to what was going on. "Zoe." I looked down seeing Mason. "Would you like anything to eat?" He asked resting his head on his arm that was resting on the edge. "Why?" I asked. He lifted a box in his other hand. "Would you like it?" He asked.

I stood up and leaned against the edge. "How much would it cost?" I asked. "How about a kiss?" He asked. I kissed his cheek. "Is that good enough?" I asked him. "I don't think it was enough payment." He said. Oh he's trying. I then kissed his lips. He kissed back. Several whistles rang out. We broke apart. "Here's your meal." He said handing me the box.

"Enjoy the show." He said winking. I sat down blushing. In an instant he was gone.


"Dude your lucky you didn't get in trouble standing on the stock panel." Mike Lee said. I shrugged. "Come on lover boy. You better get ready for your ride." I chuckled before going to get my chaps and vest on. Why do I feel so giddy around her?


I opened the box seeing a hamburger and fries. I rolled my eyes and took a bite of it. In the very bottom was a piece of paper. Here's a few dollars for snacks and drinks. -Mason. He's trying to spoil me. As soon as it started those three girls moved to the front row. I had propped my right leg up to elevate it. I turned around to talk to one of the women behind me and one of the girls noticed the last name on the hoodie.

"Who gave you that hoodie?" The one closest to me asked. "A friend." I said. "It says Lowe on the back." She said. "I know what it says. That's the friend." I told her. She stood up and came over to me. "Girl! Could I try it on?" She asked. "I'm sorry. He's asked that no one else but me wears it." I said. "Please?" She whined. "I'm sorry your whining is effecting my experience. I'm trying to watch unlike you and your friends." I said.

"Please stop being a b--ch and let me see the hoodie!" She said. "I'm sorry my b--chiness is getting in the way. I'm very possessive when it comes to my best friend's stuff." I told her. It was now Mason's turn. As soon as he was in the chute her other friends were in the middle of it. "Hey b--ches out of the way. We're trying to watch our husbands compete." One of the women said.

Soon after three security guards had to remove them. A stock contractor nodded to us. "I'm trying to watch my bulls performance." He said. As soon as it was over I had my crutches from under my seat and up on my left foot. The women didn't question it. I went down the stairs to the area behind the chutes.

Mason and several of the bull riders were talking. I went over to Mason. When he saw me he put an arm around me. JB recognized me right away. "How are ya Zoe?" He asked. "Surviving." I said. "I see your back on crutches." He said. "Yeah. Back in August after y'all left Toby and I went to a competition in Amarillo and a man fired a round and the bullet went into my knee. I had to have reconstructive surgery to get the bullet out and fix my knee." I said.

"I hope your knee gets better. How long are you out?" He asked. "Until May." I said. "Only a few more months until then." He said. "Tired?" Mason asked. I nodded. "Wanna piggyback ride?" He asked. "Are you sure your not too tired?" I asked. "Yeah. You know I don't care." He said. He picked me up and carried me to the truck. As soon as we exited the hall there were girls waiting including the three from the box.

"Those three girls were in the box with us." I said. "Oh yeah?" He said. "They became so obnoxious that an older stock contractor called security on them. I'm sure one of the women were about to because one yelled that they were interrupting the bull riding." I told him. He chuckled. "They wanted to wear your hoodie. And I told them no." I said.

"Then the one that spoke first said that I needed to stop being b--chy and let her wear it. I of course apologized for it and told her no once more. Then one of the women called all three of them b--ches and to get out of the way." He chuckled more. I kissed his cheek in front of them.

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