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It was the last week of my brother's bull riding camp. Only a handful got to stay an extra week for more one on one. They were the five seventeen year old boys. I finished making supper in the house and set it out then went out to call the guys up.

I blew the air hour calling them for supper. I then went back in and fixed my plate before they all came running in. "Hello Ms. Zoe." "Ms. Zoe." "Hello." "How are you this evening?" "Evening Ms. Zoe."

I nodded to them as Toby, Mason, and JB came in. They grabbed a plate full of food and found a place to sit. I finished and went up the stairs to my room.

I gathered clothes for a bath and held them in my hand as I went to the bathroom for a bath. My crutches aiding me in staying off my knee. As I went to close the door one fell and the other slipped.

I caught myself on the tile floor inches from hitting my nose. I pushed myself up and couldn't get to my left side to get up. Every time I tried I couldn't do it.

I felt hands on my waist lifting me up. Once I was standing I used the counter to hold me up. I was handed one crutch then the other. I looked back not seeing anyone there.


I stood hidden from her view. She needed help and didn't want to alarm anyone about it. She wants to be independent but needs help every now and then. There's something about her that I've never felt before.


I closed the door and sat down on the toilet. I took my clothes off and lowered myself into the tub after shutting the water off. I scrubbed my hair and body before rinsing off and lifting myself out of the tub.

I got dressed and went to my room sitting on the bed. I set my crutches next to the bed and turned my tv on. My knee was looking better everyday. The limp was partially there when I walked on it for an hour a day.

As I was surfing the channels I found an old movie to watch. I turned it on and kicked back.


I pulled in to the ranch after a bad competition and unloaded the boys. I put them in their stalls at two thirty in the morning. They still had their shipping gear on but I didn't care.

I felt an arm gripping me slightly around my waist. Then pulling me back. I was then sat on a bale of hay. I set my head on my hands and dozed. I was exhausted from the drive. I was then picked up and carried. My arms wrapped tightly around whoever's neck it was. I could hear boots crunching gravel as I dozed.


I saw the headlights after going to use the bathroom. It was two thirty in the morning. Why she didn't stay there for the night I have no idea. I went out seeing she was about to leave her two horses still in their gear. I moved her to the side and bedded the horses down for her and gave them water and hay.

Then went over to her and picked her up carrying her to the house. I opened the door and closed it quietly behind me. I kicked my shoes off and took her boots off before quietly carrying her to her room. I set her on her bed and covered her up.

She won't think this was real in a few hours but she's going to definitely sleep in and get a good nights sleep.


I woke up on my bed and still in my clothes from yesterday. Last thing I remember was pulling in and putting the horses in their stalls. I got up and changed my clothes before going downstairs. The clock read one thirty in the afternoon.

I've never slept that late. That would mean that today is the last day of the camp and the last day I get to see Mason.

I found something to eat and went out to the stalls. I saddled Giz and rode him around the ring. Then cooled him off and put him away. "Hey." I turned around seeing Mason. "Hey." I said. "How did you sleep?" He asked picking up a brush and starting on the other side of Gizmo.

"Ok. I guess." I said moving to Giz's legs. "Just ok? If I got in around three in the morning and was aloud to sleep till past noon I'd kill for it." He said.

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