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I sat on the couch watching tv as Toby, Mason, and JB did the camp for the morning. It was the first week of it. Only five days since I had the knee surgery. It feels a whole lot better than before the surgery.

The stitches are holding up nicely. I looked at the stitches on the side of my right knee with the stiff brace knowing the doctor that did the surgery did a good job of repairing it. In time I will need another surgery on it for sure.

The door opened then closed. I looked back at who it was. "Just getting some water bottles for the guys." Mason said walking to the kitchen.

I nodded. "Alright." I said. "Wanna come out and watch?" He asked. "Maybe sit in the dirt off my knee." I said. "What if you were sitting comfortably next to the ring?" He asked. "Then I'll go." I said. He came around quickly and picked me up off the couch.

"Good because your brother wants you out of the house." He said grabbing my crutches while carrying me. He set me on the back of the ATV waiting outside the house. Then secured my crutches to the front before getting on.

After the short ride to the ring he helped me off and gave me my crutches. "What required stitches?" He asked. "I had to have surgery on my knee after last week's comp." I said. "That's why I took so long at the doctors."

"So was it only the outside of your knee?" He asked. "At the moment. I may or may not have to get another one in my life." I said still walking next to him. He opened the half door leading to the stands.

I found a seat and saw my brother and JB talking to the teenage boys. Mason joined them standing next to JB. I found the notebook sitting below the seat along with a pen.

The first one was a seventeen year old. I already knew the score of the bull. After watching him ride I put the score down. The alarm went off before we all knew it.

I got up and went to the dining hall. The food went straight to the oven to be cooked. I found my seat and plopped down behind the counter. The whole herd of hormonal teenage boys rolled in after I pulled lunch out of the oven.

Toby, Mason and JB were behind the counter fixing plates for those guys. Once they were all sitting down talking, the older ones were making snide comments about how many girls they've screwed while the younger boys talked about how many girls they were going to get once they were in high school.

I had to laugh at them. "Hey Toby I remember when you were their age talking bout all those girls." I said smirking. He hung his head and shook it. "I think we all could go back to those days." JB said.

I rolled my eyes. "Nah I'd rather find someone who's willing to take my last name and be the only one that doesn't care if I walk around the house naked before my first child is born. Then just the bedroom." Mason said.

I once again rolled my eyes. "I'm sure my sister doesn't want to hear that." Toby said. "I'm use to it. Hanging around guys during high school has taught me to ignore the crude comments and jobs they got." I said grabbing a plate from off the table next to me.

I started eating it not caring that the teenage boys were still talking sexual. They're teenage boys and teenage boys are going to act like they are.

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