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I could feel Mason's grip tighten on one side. "If I just came here to kiss your sister then I would have already kissed her and left with her virginity." Mason told him. The thought of having him inside of me made moisture pool between my legs. "You think she'd actually let you inside her?" Toby asked. "I don't know. She's the one that kissed me first." Mason said. I could feel something press against my lower belly.

Don't get too happy cowboy. He was thinking the exact same thing I was, but knew it wasn't the right time and place. "Is that true Zoe?" Toby asked. "How true do you think it is?" I asked him. "You remember what I told you." He said. "What? Don't get too attached? Because you have seemed to become so attached to me that you need me to run your half of the ranch." I said.

I couldn't move because my crutches were on the ground and Mason was the only one holding me up. Gizmo came up to the side. I broke away from Mason opening the gate. Gizmo let me lean on him for support. Mason handed me my crutches. I then put the lead on Giz's halter and led him to his stall. I put him in his stall and grabbed his empty bucket.

I went to the nearest faucet and put the bucket under the spigot before I turned it on. As soon as it was full Toby picked it up. "If I'm being such a pain then why don't you give up your horses." He said. "Because they'd starve at the hands of you. You have more cattle than you know what to do with. When I start seeing ribs showing on any of my horses and I know they are getting enough to eat. That means it's something medical. And when I have no money to pay for the treatment I will sell one of your heifers and prized bulls for the bill." I said.

He dumped the bucket of water at my feet. "Well it's a one hour drive to where I wanna be." I said before going out of the stables. I opened the side gate and closed it back. I then continued out to the rock where only I could be surrounded by my mares. They will be giving birth to a new batch of foals come spring. As I sat there several came up to sniff and nudge me.

I pet one then another. There's no way my brother would bother me out in a paddock full of pregnant mares. I know it for a fact. "Hey pretty girl." I looked behind me seeing Mason petting my oldest breeding mare. He then moved to another slowly making his way to me. "Hey baby." He said. "What gave you the right to call me that?" I asked him.

"Then what would you like me to call you?" He asked. "My name." I said. He chuckled. "Think you'd warm up to the name." He said before wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Do you really mean that you're moving to seven minutes from me?" He asked. I nodded. He kissed my cheek. "Would you like to go see the ranch tomorrow?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I said. "The guy will be here in about thirty minutes if you wanna round up all of the yearlings that you want him to see." He said. "Would you help me?" I asked him. "You know I will help you." He said. "Besides you really should be off your leg to let it rest."

"After putting the yearlings in the arena." I said. "Before. You've been on your feet or foot for over an hour. I'd say it's time to let your knee and left leg take a break." He said. "Then how will I get them into the ring?" I asked him. "I'll take care of them." He said. "Hey I've still got the wheelchair. You wanna get it for me so you know which horses are the yearlings?" I asked.

"Your stubborn." He said. I smiled. "Would you like a piggyback ride?" He asked. "Do you mind?" I asked. He sat down between my legs to pick me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He stood up gripping my thighs. Then picking up my crutches. He carried me to the stables office and set me on the desk. "Now where did you leave it?" He asked.

"Closet." I said. He brought it to me. I got into it and put my foot on the rest. "Would you like me to push you?" He asked. "No thanks." I said rolling to the door. I then opened the door rolling out. He followed behind. I went to the tack room first. I grabbed several lead ropes and set them on my lap then six more giving them to Mason.

I then led the way to the paddock where I had close to twenty yearlings. "How many are you able to lead at once?" I asked him. "As many as you need me to." He said. I smiled. "Their going to be tricky aren't they." He said. I chuckled. "Just open the gate." I said. He opened the gate. I wheeled off the concrete and through the gate. "Now you can close it back." I said. He did so.

The yearlings came right up to me. I started clipping leads onto their halters. "How?" He asked. "Just give it a try." I said. He clipped one onto a yearling then another and another. Once he was out of leads he got a few horses starting to lead them to the arena. "Do you want them running around the arena or tied up?" He asked.

"Running around." I said as I clipped the last one on. I had gotten some double clips and clipped them together. I then led them out. As I got to the arena I let them out. Mason took half of them from me and turned them loose while I turned my half loose.

"Hello. Yes. Straight through the double doors, down the isle. At the very end there is an arena. That's where we are. Alright see you in a few seconds." Mason said. "He's here."

I stood up and found a seat by the arena. "Do you want me to set a chair in the arena so you may sit out there?" Mason asked. "I'm fine sitting right here." I said. "Mason Lowe." A male voice said. We both turned our heads to see a man in his early thirties.

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