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I woke up after a night of tossing and turning. The only thing was, I couldn't move my right leg due to my knee. The events of yesterday came back as quickly as they happened. The guy firing a shot. Me trying to get Gizmo under control then realizing I was the one shot instead of Gizmo.

I pulled myself up before uncovering my legs. My right knee was in a brace and cast. It was bent at an angle for it to heal. I pulled myself up higher. There were no crutches around only a wheelchair. I really had to pee. I looked over seeing Mason asleep in the chair. I tried to grab the wheelchair not getting anywhere. Here I was about to pee my pants and I couldn't move.

I let out a small whine. I hate to admit it but I need help. I then tried to tap Mason. The chair was too far away. I then grabbed the straw from my cup and used it. He flinched when I poked his arm. I then poked his cheek. He stirred almost waking. I paused for a breath before poking him once more. He quickly lifted his head and looked around. I moved closer to the side.

His gaze finally settled on me. "Zoe." He stood up and moved to my side. "Could you get the wheelchair so I could get to the bathroom?" I asked. "How about I help you get to and from the bathroom?" He asked. "That way you could use the restroom faster."

I had to agree this once just because I really needed to go. As soon as he set me down near the toilet he left for me to use the restroom. I relieved myself before standing on my left leg. I flushed and stood still as Mason came back to help me back to the bed. "Thank you." I said. "No problem." He said moving the wheelchair closer. I didn't have any tubes running from my body so I was free to move around.

The door opened and closed as a nurse and doctor came in. "Oh so glad your awake. The bullet was removed and your knee had to be reconstructed. You may have a limp or you may not. The only other thing I can say is that you should be here for the rest of the week being monitored. In the mean time you may explore the hospital, go to the cafeteria and gift shop." The doctor said.

"Meaning I don't have to wear this gown?" I asked. "Yes you may also change out of the gown." The nurse said. After my vitals were checked I was free for the day. "Would you like to change out of that?" Mason asked. "Don't have any clothes." I said. "Your brother texted me while you were in the bathroom saying that he took the horses home and will have clothes for you later today." He said.

"Where's the clothes I wore when I came in?" I asked. "Your jeans had to be cut off a little above the knee on the right side and the button down is hanging on the rack." He said. "Oh and while you were still sleeping yesterday a bag was brought in with a note saying that it was a change of undergarments for the rest of the week." He added.

"May I have it?" I asked. He handed me the bag. I looked in it seeing plenty of underwear and upper garments. I eased myself into the wheelchair and carefully maneuvered it to the bathroom. After I closed the door I untied the top of the gown and pulled it over my head. I put a new top garment on then bottom. Good thing I like the boy shorts underwear. I then put a pair of sport shorts on realizing my brother forgot a shirt.

"The only thing my brother forgets is a shirt." I said quietly. "Hey Zoe. Your brother texted saying her forgot a shirt. Would you like to borrow one of mine while you wait?" Mason asked. "As hungry as I am please?" I asked. He knocked on the bathroom door before handing me the shirt. I took it from him throwing it over my head. I pulled it down over my torso and opened the door.

Mason was sitting there on his phone waiting. "I'm out." I said. He looked up at the sound of my voice. "Would you like to join me for breakfast?" He asked. "If you don't mind." I said. He smiled before asking if he could push me to the cafeteria. I nodded letting him.

Once there he had me laughing almost falling out of the wheelchair. "So if given the chance would you like to go to an event?" He asked. "While I'm injured I wouldn't mind." I said. "Then I'll be sure to get you a ticket to go when it comes to OKC." He said. "Both nights."

"Why both nights?" I asked. "Because I think you're my good luck charm. And I want to test my theory." He said. I giggled. "Now what you like to eat?" He asked. "How about making it easy and make it eggs sunny side up, a strip of bacon, and a biscuit." I said. "And to drink?" He asked. "Any kind of juice except orange and grapefruit." I said.

"I will be back with the food shortly." He said. After only a few short minutes he had brought our food. "As you ordered my lady." He said setting my plate in front of me. We ate in silence before I asked when the event was. "The third week in January. I'll come by a few days before and stay until I have to be at the next event." He said.

I nodded. "I'm sure I can work something out to get you a box seat behind the chutes and access to behind the chutes between rounds." He said. I tried to hide a smile. "Your too beautiful to stay cooped up in a house and on the ranch." He added. I looked down at my plate not able to hide my smile anymore.

He's too sweet for his own good.

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