You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (5)

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- Fancy your Chances? -

The pub was boring. Full of middle aged men that leered over me. Just because I was the only girl there, doesn't mean I want to be gawked at. It's not even like I'm wearing anything that revealing, I'm still in my skinny jeans and I now have a white, with red stripes, tank top on. Okay so my boobs can be seen if your above me but seriously, get a life!

God I hate it when I have my period I'm such a cow. Usually this sort of thing wouldn't bother me, but noooo my hormones are all over the place and to top it off I haven't been laid in like a week!

Deary me that is like donkey years! I'm so glad it will all be finished by tomorrow! Woop woop.

On the up side the football was on, and the team I had put money on (against the guys) was winning. Yay go me!!! I have no idea what team it is, just that there up 4 to 2. I picked the ones in the red tops cause I'm liking that colour at the moments. It feels.... very me!

"Harley get the drinks in will ya?" Tom shouted across the table to me.

"why can't you?" I said looking irritated.

"cause I wont get served as quick as you!" he replied pointing to my boobs.

I rolled my eyes. He was right I guess. "fine give me the money then." they all handed me there money. "what d'you all want?"

"BEEER" They shouted back keeping there eyes on the big screen.

I went up to the bar. A nice young lad maybe early twenties was serving the hoards of men all dressed in their football tops. He was skinny and tall, not my type at all, I prefer them with a bit of muscle at least, had bleach blonde hair, again a no no but had a very strange shade of green-blue eyes.

As I manoeuvred my way up through the groups of hairy men I was stared at, suddenly I was more interesting the game. I mean you'd think that they had never seen a woman before the way they were staring at me

The bar man strolled up to me forgetting the man that was just about to tell him his order. "how can I help you miss?" he said practically drooling. It was sickening. Close up he wasn't even hotter. He just had nothing to offer me.

Instead of playing nice like I usually did I just ordered. Not doing my usual 'oh I think you know' and winking at the staff.

"can I have 10 pints of beer please?" I smiled nicely but that was all he was gunna get off me.

"sure. They all for you?" he asked as he poured them.

I faked a laugh "no my friends over there" I said pointing the group of lads in the far corner.

From afar they looked pretty menacing, all 9 of them huge hulking lads, each 6 foot or over. All good looking as well. I would be hitting myself right now if I was a guy. I would want to be them.

Jake wasn't even with us. Now he was like an Adonis. If he was there I'd definitely be hitting myself, if I was guy. Unfortunately his mum had brought the hammer down so he was under house arrest till the weekend.

"figures" the barman muttered under his breath. I just smiled sweetly.

"Mike, come give us a hand will ya" I said waving him over.

Mike was more down to earth out of all of them, more responsible as well. Always looking out for them all, making sure they didn't get into fights. He was sweet. He had a girlfriend over the summer but she was a bitch and cheated on him. I did try to tell him at the beginning that she was all wrong for him but he wouldn't have any of it. Boys! They never listen.

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