Chapter 8

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Luca pulled on his clothes from yesterday and briskly walked to his room to freshen up before breakfast. I picked out my clothes for the day and climbed into the shower in my bathroom. The warm water was refreshing on my skin. I couldn't wait to see what the day would bring today. Then I heard someone knock on my door just as I got out of the shower. "Who is it?" I yelled.

"It's Diane. Breakfast is going to be ready in five minutes," she answered.

"Okay, I'll be down momentarily," I responded.

I quickly got dress and blow dried my hair. "I'll straighten my hair later," I thought to myself.

I finally finished drying my hair and then I ran downstairs. So far, it was Luca, Diane, Jacob, and myself. Tommy, Pia, and Tucker were still upstairs in their rooms. I sat down quietly as I waited for breakfast to be served. Remi brought in bagels, toast, eggs, hash browns, and fruit. Quite a variety of food. As I started putting food on my plate, the other three came in the dining room.

"There's a lot of food this morning," Tommy said.

"It's because there are more mouths to feed, Tommy," Diane stated.

He laughed and then sat down next to Tucker and Jacob to eat. Luca and I were the first to finish our breakfast. "May we be excused, Diane?" Luca asked politely like any gentleman would.

"Yes, you two can work together to take care of your business Luca," Diane replied.

We left the dining room and headed upstairs to Luca's room. It took us a while until we got everything of his in my room. Once that was done, then we had to rearrange my room. Half of my dresser became his and same with the closet. Almost everything was in order. Within the next half an hour, we finished moving. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Luca asked sounding a bit winded.

"No it wasn't. I t seemed kind of easy for the most part," I replied.

We laughed and fell backwards on the bed. I was ready to relax for the rest of the day. I could ride Diablo for a bit while Luca works. I could ask Diane to see if I could go shopping. I don't know how to spend the rest of my day.

"I should probably get to work. I know some of the horses need some training. I'll see you later baby," he said as he slowly got up.

"Okay, I love you," I responded.

He kissed my lips good-bye and walked the door. I got up and looked for my Dell laptop. When I found it, I looked at my bank account to see what my balance was. When my eyes caught sight of the amount, I nearly fell over. I wrote down the amount and then I checked Tucker's. His was the same amount as mine: $900,000.

"Holy shit!" I shouted.

I ran downstairs to find Tucker to tell him the news. Who knew that my fifteen year old brother would almost become a millionaire? "Tuck, thank God I found you. You won't believe how much we each have in our bank accounts," I said as I nearly keeled over.

"How much do we have, Lex?" Tucker asked.

"We have nine-hundred thousand dollars each. I don't know where it all came from," I responded.

He nearly fell over when he heard the amount. My expression was almost the exact same thing and Tuck's when I read it on the computer screen. Who gave us all that cash? We don't have any relatives that are rich and generous.

"Do you think Diane would know?" Tucker asked.

"I don't know. I was going to go ask her after I told you," I said.

Tucker nodded his head and then started running around like a total idiot. I went off to find Diane to see if she knew anything about the bank account balances. When I found her, she was on the phone. I could tell it wasn't someone she liked much. There was arguing and yelling on the phone both ways. Finally she hung up the phone and slammed it on the counter. "Diane, is everything alright?" I asked.

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