Chapter Seventeen...

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I can not take full credit for this chapter.. I had help coming up with the idea.. and some of the parts.. *grins* until she says I can I will not tell you who...


It is a little different than before but as I said in the last chapter I am gonna make some changes..


Lynny POV

The guys agreed that they would let me block off our link off so they couldn't see what I picked out. The groom was not suppose the see the brides dress, so if I am the bride they are not to see my tux. Right??

I went in to town to do some shopping, placing my orders for decorations, invitations, yes I even want a cake. I was skipping along the side walk, to excited for words, at all I have gotten done, when I saw the perfect tux I wanted to wear. I skidded to a stop in front of the store window and drooled over the white tux staring back at me.

It was white with silver and purple trimmings and matching embroidery on the collar and down the lapel. It was perfect and matched my colors.

I walked into the store and told the clerk what I wanted. He took me in back got my measurements and wrote them all down.I told him round about when I needed it and he nodded. He stayed in back filling out all the order forms and I walked back out front to find some shoes to match.

I was so focused on the shoes, searching for just the right ones with just the right fit, that I didn't notice someone came in, much less was anywhere near me until a hand was placed over my mouth and I felt a sting in the side of my neck. My eyes widened from the pain then slowly closed as my body went limp and I fell into some ones arms.


I blink my eyes open barely being able to see a moss covered ceiling above me. I rolled over to my side placing my hand down, and noticed I was on a cold hard concrete floor. I quickly sat up to look around the empty, badly lighted, room and start to panic. I stood up and tried running for the door only to realize there are chains strapped to my wrists and ankles.

I slowly observed the room looking for a way out, but it was to dark. I went from corner to corner feeling along the walls, on the floor, even pulling on my chains, looking for any loose bricks, a weak link, anything that would help me get out of here.

A noise caught my attention jerking my face towards the little window in the door. A mans face appeared quickly and I jumped back. He chuckled low and deep and I pressed myself against the wall as far away from the door as I could.

"Ahh you are awake. Boss will be happy to hear that." The man said.

"W- what d-do y-you w-want? W-why am I h-here?" I tried to sound tough but was a stuttered mess not being able to fight past my fear.

"Your Mate!" he said and I gasped. He turned and walked away laughing. I held my breath from that gasp wondering what in the world he is talking about and how he knows me or my mate. I slid down the wall and whispered.

"Mates." I sat there with my head on my knees and began to cry. How long have I been here? What are Vinny and Lewis thinking? Would they think I have ran away? Would they know what happened? What will happen to them if they come for me? All of the questions rolling over and over in my mind and so many more, but the main questions I am wondering which one does this man want and what do he want with him?


Both Lewis and Vincent paced back and forth from one side of the room to the other growling and cursing themselves.

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