Chapter 18

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"What... what are you doing here?" I asked in a shocked but happy tone. She had a huge smile on her face as she brought me into a hug. "Josh called me!" my mother exclaimed excitedly. I looked over at Josh to see him innocently tossing his car keys onto a side table, and trying to stiffle a smile. I let out a little gasp then gave Josh a light shove slightly pushing him off balance. "How long were you planning this?"

"Well I wanted to meet your mom! After all if we're going to get married... I wouldn't feel right taking you hand without her aproval," he explained. "And he's great! Far better then... well nevermind," she said stearing away from the ugly conversation. "Wait how did you know about that?" She looked up into my eyes and within my stare she could tell I knew exactly what she was trying to avoid. "Josh had to fill me in. I just wish you would have told me sooner though. I would've been next to you in the hospital."

"The hospital?" I asked in a confused voice. "Yes, after the car accendient. Josh told me it was a maricale you lived," she said wiping a tear from the corner of one eye. "Um, yeah. Don't worry about me I'm fine." I rubbed her shoulders and we sat down on the couch next to each other. I looked over at Josh who was starting for a chair across from us; his face a pale white color.

What did you tell her? I mouthed quickly. Josh moved his fingers in a circular motion as his eyes began to widened. With this expression I could tell I was to play along. My mother looked up to face me again. "Tyler... went quickly, I heard. Josh had explained to me how you guys had met before the accident. He was the at the hospital and everything when you woke up."

She gave me a huge warm smile and placed her hand on mine. "It's amazing how it brought you two so closly together." I realized now that Josh had made up a story about how Tyler died and also included how we got to together. I smiled, filling the roll Josh set up for me,"Yes. But we're getting married now. I know it's really short notice and we haven't had time to catch up but-" then she cut me off.

My mother wrapped me into a hug and rubbed my back. "Don't you worry about it," she spoke, her gentle understanding tone filled my ear. I pulled away still smiling. She shot me the same look and I studied her easy lip spread, with slight wrinkles around the rim of her mouth. "Now, are you ready to plan this wedding?" she asked happily. Tears filled my eyes. True emotion started to show through, as I was begining to realize I would actually be bound to this man (,I didn't deserve,) for life soon. "Yes," I said nodding my head and letting the hot tears run down my face.

My mother pressed one cold boney hand to my face and wipped the tears away. "Brooklyn? Are you okay? I don't think I've ever seen you like this before..." she said with a concerned look. I wanted to explain it but I couldn't find the words. It was a feeling I'd never experienced before. I found myself laughing as I wipped the tears from my face. "Oh honey... Are those happy tears?"

Sure enough, those were the words I had been searching for. For my mom it was a common emotion I had seen a billion times when I was growing up. But this was a new thing to me. "I- I think so?" I said questionably through giggles. She laughed a little then said,"Well it's getting late and your obviously tired-"

"I am?" I asked in confusion. I pushed off the couch and looked into a near-by hanging mirror. I had bags under my eyes and my unexpected cry didn't help. My eyes were now a light shade of red. "Oh... I guess I am." Josh walked towards me resting his hands on my shoulders. "It's been a long day... I think you've been getting your days and nights mixed up from the plane ride," he said in a comforting low voice close to my ear.

"Your right," I said closing my eyes for a short moment and rested my head on his shoulder. "I should get going," my mother said abruptly. "Wait, where are you staying?" I asked. My mother sighed as if I'd insulted her. "I have friends up here too ya know," she said sarcastically. I just gave her a weird look. "Angela?" she asked me. "Oh ya... I remember her," I said slowly," Didn't we use to visit Angela and her daughter?"

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