Chapter 53: Donate It....Don't Be Serious

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Look out for the <>!

I took a deep breath as I walked through the door of Sherlock's room. He was just merely staring out the window but his gaze imminently shifted to me as I came from the hallway "Hello." I said plainly. I stuffed my hands in my pocket to prevent him from seeing them shaking. After everything that had happened the past few days it was starting to show. I was worn out mentally and physically and seeing him like this was just the tip of the ice burg.

"Rori, you did it. Good job."

I bit my lip and sat down next to him. I shouldn't deserve his gratitude. He was in here because of me. All of this was my fault. I shook my head at him. He was wrong for the first time in a long time. If I didn't fight Zane, none of this would have happened and maybe that would be better.

He didn't say anything even though it was obvious that I was not acting normal. It's like it went right over his head. Maybe the drugs where making him not so observant, or maybe he just was chose not to see it for the first time in his life. "Did you see the treasure?" he asked eagerly.

I held my casted hand and squeezed it hard. "No." I shoot my head. If there was no treasure all of this would be for nothing. I didn't even want to think about that.

"You need to get it before Zane gets it."       

I shook my head. "I locked Zane up. I trapped him and Lestrade took him away. Zane's not coming out, not for a very long time."

He smiled lightly then frowned as he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He was in pain. I looked away from him. I knew this was my fault and it was painful to think about. "I never once thought you couldn't do it. You are a bright person. It was only time until you stopped him."

I nodded at him in silence. I didn't want to talk about the case. I was here with him and I wanted to talk about him. "Enough about me. How are you feeling?"

Sherlock frowned as he looked at the wall. "They put me on some drugs that make my words feel like peaches."

I frowned, not really sure what he was implying. I felt a buzz on my phone and pulled it out to see that John text me. "Sherlock, I um, I have to go," I said and stood up from my chair. 

"You have to get that treasure before Lestrade starts digging his nose in where it doesn't belong. He's not drugged like me. He'll be able to see you're lying."

I didn't want to hear a lecture from drugged Sherlock. "I know!" I shouted at him. "Just give me a break! I didn't ask for this! I am worn out. Tired. Hurting. I just want a breather."

"You knew what you were getting yourself into as soon as you decided to beat Zane at his own game."

I tucked some of my pink hair behind my ear. He was right, I knew that it could come down to this but now that I was here, I just wanted to sleep. "I'll get the treasure but give me time. I wanted to see you before I did anything more."

"Since when did you start putting me first?"

I pinched my lips together, I didn't want to answer this. If only he knew that I had been putting him first for a while now. "Goodbye Sherlock," I said and left the room.

I walked out of Sherlock's room and popped a few Tylenol into my mouth for dull my pain from my body. I walked slowly out of the hospital fighting back the pain, convincing myself that it didn't hurt that much.  

By time I got to Greenwich, the Tylenol had kicked in. Feeling better, I jogged to the boat yard, hardly stopping to catch my breath. I knew that Lestrade's men were not at the boat yard anymore, thanks to John's text. 

I walked around the building to make sure no one was still hiding, once I realized it was safe, I snuck in without raising alarm. I looked at the bloodied spot on the cement floor with a frown. Suddenly my mind flying back to that moment. 

I could hear the sound of the gun, see Sherlock laying there, struggling to cling to life. I dropped to my knees, knowing that I needed to help him, but I couldn't move. "Sherlock, it's going to be ok."

"Rori, snap out of it," John said as he knelt right in front of me. I looked at him and then back to where Sherlock was, only to see that he wasn't there anymore. 

"He was there." I pointed to the empty floor. I was shaking, I was going crazy. "He was there John." 

"Sssh, Rori. He is ok. You are ok," he said as he hugged my tightly.

I held onto him with a frown as I tried to control my breathing. "John, I am so tried." 

"Come, you can rest when we do this one last thing." He stood from the ground and offered me a hand and I took it. Then together we started towards the boat.

We made it to the main door of the submarine and John pulled out the brass key he had in his pocket and gave it to me. I put the key into the hole and turned it. It made a clicking sound and the heavy metal door slowly opened up.


As we walked in, I took out my phone to shine some light on everything around me. In front of me was piles of gold, gems, and portraits.  I was awestruck as I looked at all of it. I almost dropped my phone out of shock. I knew that there had to be something, but I didn't think that there would be this much.

"Wow." Escaped John's month as he looked at the treasure.

I nodded as walked over to one of the portraits to look at it closer. I picked up a ring and slipped it onto my finger. I gave a small laugh out of nerves. Out of all my life I never thought something like this existed.

"This has to be worth over a million pounds."

"Without a doubt."

There was silence as John and I looked around then then John spoke up, "We should give this to the museums."

I rolled my eyes. John the saint. There was no way in Hell that I was giving this all up. I won it far and square. I sacrificed too much to give this up. No, I was keeping it and that was not up for discussion. "I am not giving this all to the museums of London. I want most of this. I found it fair and square. I gave up everything for this. So I'm going to keep it." I picked up a gold coin to look it under the light of my phone. "And with the two last people that collected this treasure dead, by default, it's mine." I flicked a coin at John and watched him catch it.

John looked at the coin with a frown. "That doesn't feel right. I don't want any unless you donate some to the London museum of history."

I let out a pained sigh. This wasn't going to stop until I gave into his wishes. "Ok, I'll donate some of the portraits to the museum but that's it."

John nodded, happy with my compromise. "Fine." There was some silence and then John said, "What are you going to do with the rest?"

I found a crown and stuck it on my head, feeling like royalty. "Sell it, keep some, give some to you and Sherlock. I don't know. Just do whatever I want with it." I grabbed a handful of gold coins and stuffed it into my pocket.

"How are we going to move this all?"

It would take days to move this all fully but I knew I needed to start now before this place arose questions from Scotland Yard. I smiled at him. "You drove here? Right?"

"Yes? But I don' it's my new car, we are not using it to transport this." 

"Please John." I couldn't take this on the Tube for pity sakes. 


"Fine. I'll just hot wire a car and use that." I shrugged, willing to find another option out of my predicament. 

He frowned at me. "Don't do that. Come on Rori, don't be like this."

"Well is it going to be your car or some random? I need to start moving this stuff and it's not like I'm going to be riding the tube with it all." I said stubbornly as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Fine let's use my car."

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