Chapter 15

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Like I said before, only a few more chapters, I'm still not sure how many though. 

Short chapter too, but I like this one :)


Chapter 15: I promise I'll Stay

John and I both sat in the waiting room on the third floor where they took him. We sat in a mostly empty room, with a couple of other nervous people I didn't know. The chairs were brown and the plastic cushions were flabby, the walls were white with yellow stains and there was a large opening into the hallways in front of where I sat, and windows behind me. 

I rocked slightly in my chair, my face in my hands and leaning forward. I held a tissue close to my face, in case I busted out into tears again. My body shivered slightly from fear and being cold from sitting in a low temperature hospital for a few hours. 

John sat next me, keeping his expression blank and trying to stay strong. But I think I did see a few tears go down his face the few times I looked over at him. I explained to him earlier, without sobbing from fear, that Paul just faint before I could leave and he had no heartbeat that I could find. I didn't tell him everything of course, but just some of it.

We were both silent, praying to whatever that he would be ok. I mean it's his best friend on the line and my... look, I don't know what to call him. I mean he's just one boy but there's something about him that makes him more then just one boy. He loves me and all, or loved if he's dead. 

I didn't think about it that much at that though, I just dearly hoped he wasn't gone. I felt like everyone I ever cared about died or are dying. It sucks balls, I must say. 

I thought about his pale face, lost heart, sad eyes, and him. I wondered if he was alive, and if he was awake, I could talk to him. Or at least be near him. Or AT LEAST SOMETHING!!!

I got something, it's strange but it was something.

At first I thought I was going crazy for a second because I thought I heard Paul calling for me, Holly! Holly!. I looked up from my hands, thinking it was him, then realizing I was just worried and my mind was playing tricks on me. 

But then John looked over at me, his face showing confusion, "Do you hear that?" His voice tried to seem steady but failed with all the fear. He noticed Paul too.

"Yeah, Do you think..." My voice died off when I heard it again, this time a little more clear but still distant and almost in my head. 

The phantom of my heart is here, in my mind.

I stood up, looking away from John, and walked quietly across the room, keeping to myself. I didn't cover up my face though, leaving it in the open for whatever I might see from where I was. I got to the hallway that lead to different rooms for patients and dockers. 

When at the end of the hallway, there came a large crash. I jumped slightly, standing near the opening then the middle of the while hall. Loud yells follows with more crashes and scraping of shoes on the clean floor.

All of a sudden, I saw them reach the end of the hallway. I was shocked at what had been going on, and realized I wasn't the crazy one. It was Paul.

"I just want to go to America, where Holly is! Why won't you let me?" Paul was scrambling backwards, slipping in his socks, and barely managing to move. He had one of those white hospital outfits on, with it tied in the back, and his boxers barely peaking though. 

"Sir, you're delusional, and sick," The nurse, with others, trying to approach Paul, "You need to rest, you can't be running around like this. It's bad for your heart." But as they got closer, he found some sort of hospital tool and threw it at them, keeping them away. 

"Paul?" I said down the hallway, standing still and looking at him. He turned his head, with eyes wide with confusion He smiled, goofily, making me realize he was probably on some drug. 

He started down the hallway, slipping still on his socks. His legs moved awkwardly as he came up to me, rushing as fast as he could on his weak legs. He fell down a few times, slamming onto the floor painfully. The whole time he was shouting out my name, "Holly! Holly!" 

He nearly crashed into me, putting his arms around me and holding me as tight as he could without killing me, like he didn't want to let go, ever. I was frozen as well, so surprised by how crazy he was acting for me. His grey/hazel eyes looked right into mine with so much desperation and want. 

"Please don't go, "He whispered at me, "Please, please don't go. I-I need you more then anything else, I don't want to lose you again. Don't go, don't leave me on my own. I can't live without you, you're the reason I wake up in the mornings, don't take that away. Please Holly, don't leave me." He was crying as he spoke, tears streaming down his face on and on, like when we were in the rain. I almost started crying as well, so scared of all of this. 

But I answered, whispering back though my own fear, "Ok, I'll stay," That wasn't enough for Paul though, because he kept holding onto me, not letting go.

"Promise me, promise me you'll stay. I can't lose you Holly, not again!" He yelled, almost sobbing outright, "I need you, promise me..." I gulped and knew I had to. 

"I promise I'll stay," He grew that goofy smile again, through the tears and all. Hosipital worker began to pull him away from me, and he took hold of my arm. As they pulled him from me, getting him onto the bed they had rolled out, our arms slowly slipped from each others. 

"Thank you," Paul said to me, as they got him from me and tied his limbs to the side of the bed, to keep him from freaking out again. They began to drag the bed back where he had come from, and our eyes stayed connected till he turned the corner and dissappeared.

It was shocked with all of this, and all I turned back to John, I noticed all the stares from everyone, including him. I quickly walked back to my seat, with my head down, trying to avoid the stares. It wasn't my fault he did that, but I'm almost happy he did. I mean, I knew he was alive now. 

I looked over at John after a moment of silence in the waiting area and spoke to him with a simple question, "Did I do the right thing?" I was afraid I hadn't but I thought I did at the same time. It was a strange feeling to have.

He looked down for a second, thinking, and then back up at me, "Actually Holly, I think you just saved my best pal's life. He got his reason to wake up in the morning to stay, so he'll wake up in the morning, I'm sure of it."

I Should Have Known Better (Sequel to That Boy)Where stories live. Discover now