Chapter 8

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This chapter is going to kick ass I'm sure of it! i'm so excited :P


Chapter 8: Boney Fingers, a Diamond Necklace, and a Christmas Tradition 

I took her advice. 

I hid the child, kinda.

If I was going to see him then I would have to look like my normal self, not my pregnant self. There couldn't be any indication that I was going to have a child. 

I looked in the mirror of my bathroom, brushing my hand across a slightly over sized shirt I was wearing. It managed to cover everything up nicely. It also didn't look that bad either. I put make up under my eyes to hide any bags I had from sleepless nights. 

I don't think I looked like a complete mess. 

I brushed my hair so all the little stains would be in place, and fixed last minute details up. I looked at my watch I had and saw the time had come for me to go. Though I tried to seem pleasant, my mind was going off on a wild tangent. 

While I walk to my front door, grabbing my bag and slipping on my shoes, my thoughts consisted of the following.

What the hell am I doing? He is going to be there and he is going to look great. He will try to talk to me but I don't want to hear it. He will try to get close to me and well, I don't know. I wonder if he got me something for Christmas? He isn't that stupid, is he?

My thoughts went in a constant circle as I got into my car. I pulled out the keys and started the thing up, before I started down the street at a normal speed. I fuck it on getting presents because I didn't think it was that big of a deal and I didn't know what to get people. 

There house came up on my right much quicker then I would of liked. It's not that I didn't want to be there, it's just... I didn't want to see Paul. I didn't want to see his sadden eyes, his longing looks, his empty hands, and his down expression. It wouldn't be pleasant, let's just say that. 

But I forced myself out of the car, and onto their lawn, knowing I had nothing better to do, and nowhere better to be other then my apartment I guess. 

Moving on..

I got to the door and knocked, washing a sweet smile onto my face and looking forward, holding my my handbag tightly. My mind focused on being all Christmasy for the next few hours. It took a moment before the door opened. 

"Hey guys, Holly's here!" I was greeted my the voice and smile of my good friend, Ringo. He had a classic white shirt with tie and black dress pants on, probably because he didn't want to see like a mess, unlike me. 

"Hi Ringo." I smiled back, moving my hands to be behind me. I could feel the nervousness building in my stomach, especially when I heard John's loud call.

"Paul! Your ex has arrived!" His voice called down the hallway, towards Paul's room. Ringo and I both look towards the direction of the call, even though I couldn't see as well. I was still outside. 

Ringo sighed, shook his head in a kind of way recognizable only to him, and looked back at me, "Sorry about that. John loves to annoy Paul about everything. It's his nature." I nodded, understanding it meant John liked being an asshole about everything.

"I get it," I half smiled, "I don't look like a complete mess do I?" Changing the topic fast, I don't want to be thought of as Paul's ex right now. 

"Oh no." Ringo shook his head in his signature way again. He took a second to analyze me, probably because he hadn't really before, and then spoke, "You look beau- I mean um, nice." He stopped himself. He was going to say I looked...

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