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[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Before you proceed, I need to apologize. This isn't a chapter. And I can't write one either. Why, you ask? Well, I'm in the middle of writing this horror novel and if you write, then you know that everyone needs to be in a particular mood to execute a good story. I can't get into the jovial mood of this story, I swear. All that's in my head right now is murder, murder and death because I've drowned myself in such material to get inspiration. I did think of not writing anything at all and just drop the idea but that seemed like a dick move so I came up with this. . . thing. I've planned out these characters to a very long extent (probably to the extent of giving their kids stories oops) so I've decided to let you in on what's gonna happen in the future. I'm really sorry.]

1.When Dominic first saw Rosa, he fell in love. Initially, Zed thought it was a simple infatuation that would subside over time but it got to the point where Dominic would make her pies everyday and you know when Dominic bakes for you, he's serious about you.

     1.1. It was an unrequited love.

        (Zed: "'Course it was! Thank God it was.")

        (Dominic: "It honestly wasn't as creepy as this stupid narrator is making it out to be.")

2. Harper got his first girlfriend when he was 20 on his way to meet Robyn. Malia was incredibly hard to please and wasn't comfortable with how close Zed and Harper got.

    2.2. They broke up.

        (Harper: On friendly terms. We still keep in touch.)

2.3. Malia had stalked Harper all the way to this dormitory and had his bed set on fire. The windows on his car were broken too. The police were notified. She is now in jail.

3. Zed's mom got into an accident two years after Zed graduated high school. She was paralyzed waist down for two months.

    3.1. Apparently she had sex in those two month but I highly doubt that.

4. Dominic got to meet Chef Rodriguez, his biggest inspiration and spent two days with his family. On returning home, he spent days locked in his room, cooking up the "most delicious" recipe of all time.

    4.1. What was it? We don't know. It got burnt, thanks to Harper's ex.

5. Two days before Zed graduated high school, Saxon came out as gay. Filled with rage, his brother proceeded to beat him brutally. He got arrested.

5.1. Saxon was thrown out of his house.

6. Zed found love in a gay bar. The bartender, Chiaki Ichigo, a Japanese engineer helped Zed escape from the adventurous hands of a creepy 40 year old man.

    6.1. They decided to adopt a girl once Zed was done with college.

7. Robyn never had any romantic or sexual partners.

8. Dominic married his pen friend, Elizabeth, a French girl in order to get her a green card. The plan was to divorce once the green card was obtained but they fell in love and decided to stay married.

    8.1. They have a boy, Etienne and a girl, Claire. Etienne was ranked No. 3 in The Hottest Boys Under 16. He's very good at ballet. Claire was an aspiring gymnast until she lost her leg in an accident.

9. Harper fell in love with an intern in his dad's company. In two weeks, they got engaged.

10. Zed, Dominic, Robyn and Harper live in the same town in L.A.

11. Once, a girl claimed that Harper was the father of her child.

(Harper: I was really sad because she was in a few of my classes and I never thought she'd . . . make up something like that.)


(Dominic: "Honestly, I was just really surprised Harper knew how to have sex.")

(Zed: "Yeah, I always thought he was impotent.")

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