dear rosa//letter 08

151 20 6


Dear Rosa,

Remember that time I told you that mom was dating someone. I met him yesterday. Mom bought him over so that he could have dinner with us and he's so freaking cool! Apparently, he's a swimmer and he's traveling to Columbia next month for some swimming competition.

(In case, you were wondering – which I know you are - he's kinda cute.)

Mom kinda seems serious about this, I guess. Like really serious. You have no idea how many times I caught her sigh dreamily at him and just ew.

Any ways, other than that, I'm pretty sad. Robyn, Harper and Dominic are leaving in two days and that sucks. This town will seem a lot smaller when they leave.

Today, we went out again to Forkside so that they could buy a few things for their friends. Well, actually just Dominic. He has quite a lot of friends and they're all criminals.

Robyn's words. Not mine.

I'm pretty sure that they aren't criminals. Probably guys who got into a lot of trouble at school. I can totally see Dominic befriending them.

Also, I just lent Dominic your copy of The Great Gatsby and good grief, ever since I've given it to him, he keeps calling me old sport and it's so fucking annoying.

"Hey, old sport. You look spry today!"

"Hey old sport, be an old sport and get me the pepper."

Yeah, that's all I have to say.

How are things going at your place? I know the sales of your art shop has dropped down. Mom told me. Please don't worry and freak out. I'd give you money but I spent it all yesterday.

I'm kidding. I'm broke.

But yeah, chill, okay? Everything there will turn out great. I just know it.

Also, Robyn and I went to this antique garage sale in Forkside (obviously) and I got you this really cute clock that looks so bloody cool.

That's supposed to make you want to come home faster.


Yours only,


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